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FX-2: AEL Sistemas S.A. selected to deliver avionics package to Gripen NG
Friday, 12 April 2013

AEL Sistemas S.A. has been selected for the FX-2 programme in relation to the Avionics on the Gripen NG if chosen by the Brazilian Air Force.

In 2009, Saab and AEL Sistemas S.A. ("AEL") signed a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) identifying potential areas of co-operation under the Brazilian FX-2 Program, including development, production and long-term logistics of the Gripen NG.

“The selection of AEL for the delivery of the avionics packages for Gripen NG shows Saab's commitment to Brazilian Defence Policy. Saab has offered extensive co-operation with Brazilian industry generating work openings, technology transfers and an opportunity to join in on a joint development programme to Brazil within the defence industry as well as a number of other businesses package,” says Eddy de la Motte , Head of Gripen Export.
Now building on this MOU and the co-operation, AEL will, if Gripen is selected in the FX-2 programme, deliver this extensive avionics package, including displays, processors, computers, software, integration services and logistics support. This enables a long-term partnership for the future allowing transfer of technology and full involvement in the development of aircraft technology within Brazil.
“Our co-operation in the Gripen NG will support Brazil in shifting its defence technology capability from dependent to independent. By taking part in the development process of Gripen NG, AEL Sistemas S.A. will be able to introduce its latest displays, computer and software technologies into a next generation fighter. It will further enhance the successful contribution of AEL Sistemas for the Brazilian Military Forces,” says Shlomo Erez, Director General AEL Sistemas S/A.

Contact details from our directory:
Saab Aerosystems Airframer
AEL Sistemas S.A. Onboard Computers, Avionics Management Systems, Radio Communications Equipment, Weapons Countermeasures, Head-Up Displays, Helmet-Mounted Displays (HMD), LCD Displays
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