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Honeywell's new HTF7350 engine to power Bombardier Challenger 350
Monday, 20 May 2013

Honeywell (has announced that its HTF7350, the latest engine to join its successful HTF7000 series, will power Bombardier's new Challenger 350 super midsize business jet.

In addition to the HTF7350, Honeywell will supply Bombardier with its 36-150 APU, which is currently on the Challenger 300aircraft, its Inertial Navigation System and Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) database for improved navigation and situational awareness. Honeywell's pioneering EGPWS database is proved with more than 800 million flight hours to date and contains data on approximately 30,000 runways and 80,0000 objects in more than 10,000 airports worldwide.

The engine — a derivative of the HTF7000, which has proven its reliability by powering the Challenger 300 aircraft since its launch in 2003 — delivers a greater than 7 percent thrust increase and features Honeywell's latest systems designed to lower fuel consumption and reduce emissions. Boasting class-leading reliability, the HTF7000-series engine family has now surpassed 1.5 million flight hours with more than 99 percent dispatch reliability.

With business jet owners under increasing pressure to maximize the cost-effectiveness of their operations, the HTF7350 balances performance and operational efficiency through innovations including the following:

· Efficient compressor design across the HTF7000 series that provides reduced Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption (TSFC) to lower operator costs.

· Honeywell's Single Annular Combustor for Emissions Reduction (SABER) technology reduces NOx, CO2 and unburned hydrocarbon emissions. With SABER, NOx emissions are up to 25 percent lower than International Civil Aviation Organizationrequirements.

· The HTF7000 series' key line-replaceable units (LRUs) help ease maintenance and can be quickly changed on the tarmac using simple hand tools to reduce costly grounding time.

· Targeted engine improvements deliver 7,323 pounds of thrust per engine, enabling the Challenger 350 aircraft a direct climb to 43,000 ft.

Contact details from our directory:
Honeywell Aerospace, Engines & Systems Turbofan Engines, Test Equipment, Fuel Test Equipment, Data Acquisition Systems, Turboprop Engines, Engine Parts, Turboshaft Engines, Auxiliary Power Units
Bombardier Inc. Airframer
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