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Aspen's Connected Panel technology takes flight on Pilatus PC-12 NG aircraft
Thursday, 30 May 2013

Aspen Avionics announced today that the company's groundbreaking Connected™ Panel technology will be integrated into the new Pilatus PC-12 NG Connected flight deck system. The Pilatus PC-12 NG features state-of-the-art Honeywell Primus Apex® avionics enhanced with a suite of mobile apps that simplify and streamline operational activities. Aspen's Connected™ for Pilatus platform enables wireless communication between the apps and the certified avionics installed in the flight deck.
To optimize the Connected system for the PC-12 NG, a new Connected Gateway box, the CG100P, has been developed in close association with Pilatus, Honeywell and Jeppesen. The CG100P installation approval is covered under the Pilatus PC-12 NG Type Certificate and does not require an Aspen display.
Aspen's Connected for Pilatus includes the CG100P hardware and software that supports the wireless link between Connected Panel Enabled apps and the panel-mounted avionics via an Apple iPad®. Jeppesen, Honeywell, Pilatus, and Aspen are each developing apps that will provide a broad range of operational and passenger support for the new PC-12 NG Connected flight deck system.
“Connected for Pilatus creates a better flight experience for pilots and owners by streamlining maintenance logging and data loading activities,” says Aspen's Vice President of Marketing Brad Hayden. “Aspen's leading-edge Connected technology offers new opportunities for data management that were unimagined only a few years ago. We are pleased that our technology is improving the customer experience for Pilatus pilots and operators.”
Initial deliveries of the Connected Enabled PC-12 NG aircraft, along with the new and updated apps, are expected in the Summer of 2013.
“The sheer volume of data flowing in and out of the cockpit is increasing exponentially, and as a result, the need for efficient data management solutions is more critical then ever,” says Tom Aniello, Vice President of Marketing for Pilatus Business Aircraft Ltd. “Connected for Pilatus guarantees that we will have an open, scalable platform that can be leveraged to seamlessly load, synchronize, and manage that data stream for our customers."

Contact details from our directory:
Aspen Avionics Inc. Instrument Panels, GPS, Sensors/Transducers, Moving Maps, Vertical Speed Indicators, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems, Flight Management Systems, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, ADS-B systems
Pilatus Aircraft Ltd Airframer
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