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Triumph Group selected to design and build fuselage sections and other components for Embraer second generation of E-Jets
Friday, 7 June 2013

Triumph Group, Inc. today announced that its subsidiary, Triumph Aerostructures-Vought Aircraft Division, has been selected to design and build the center fuselage section III, rear fuselage section and various tail section components (rudder and elevator) for Embraer’s second-generation E-Jet family. The contract is worth approximately $1.7 billion over its lifetime. The company’s investment in the program, including capital and design activities, will be approximately $130 million which will be spread over the next four years. Planned to enter service in 2018, the program is expected to launch later this year. Spending in FY 2014 will be approximately $25 million. Jeffry D. Frisby, Triumph’s President and Chief Executive Officer, said, “This is a significant win for Triumph and expands our presence in the jet market. We have been working diligently on developing our relationship with Embraer and are extremely pleased to have been selected to build major structural components for their next-generation of jets. We look forward to supporting this program.” Triumph Aerostructures-Vought Aircraft Division designs, tests and manufactures aerostructures for commercial, military and business jet aircraft. Products include fuselage sections, wings, empennages, nacelle structures and helicopter cabins.

Contact details from our directory:
Triumph Aerospace Structures - Technology & Engineering Center - Arlington Aircraft Structural Components, Empennages, Aircraft Doors, Nacelles, Wings, Helicopter Assemblies, Fuselage Sections, Wing Spoilers, Wing Flaps, Air Refuelling Systems, Wire Assemblies, Testing Services, Wing Spars, Fairings, Aircraft Flooring, Engineering Design Services, Thrust Reversers
Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Airframer
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