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Priestmangoode appointed to design Embraer's new fleet of commercial jets
Monday, 17 June 2013

Priestmangoode, the leading global travel and transport design consultancy, has been appointed to design complete interiors for Embraer's new fleet of commercial jets, E-Jets E2.

Priestmangoode has award-winning interiors for many of the world's leading airlines including Lufthansa, Malaysia Airlines, TAM and Qatar Airways; as well as aircraft manufacturers. This the latest project in a long-standing relationship between the London and China based design studio and the Brazilian company, following Priestmangoode's designs for Embraer's range of executive jets, Lineage 1000. 

The brief will see Priestmangoode deliver the new interior design for Embraer Commercial Jets, which will apply to all E-Jets E2 aircraft. The project will cover the complete passenger cabin including all interior architecture as well as seating across all classes.

The interiors will establish a new benchmark in cabin design, improve the passenger experience and deliver a more comfortable and improved environment, tailored to passengers' needs, whilst maximising airlines' operational efficiency.

Paul Priestman, designer and co-founding director of Priestmangoode says: 'We are delighted to be working with Embraer again, who time and again have shown great dedication to design excellence. Our work on the E-Jets E2 is about visually translating Embraer's brand values, whilst enabling the flexibility for airlines to customise the aircraft to their own requirements. We look forward to working closely with Embraer over the next few years to deliver a truly standout product.'

The E-Jets E2 is a significant step in Embraer's commitment to continuously invest in this line of commercial jets. State-of-the-art engines, in combination with new aerodynamically advanced wings, full fly-by-wire flight controls, and other systems evolutions, will result in double-digit improvements in fuel burn, maintenance costs, emissions and external noise. The Company's objective is to offer the best product and maintain its leadership in the 70 to 120-seat market, where over 950 E-Jets are currently in service with 65 customers from 47 countries.

Contact details from our directory:
PriestmanGoode. Design Services, Interior Design Services, Aircraft Interiors
Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Airframer
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Embraer E-Jet 170/190 series
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