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Fleet Canada signs contract with Boeing for the Chinook program
Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Fleet Canada Inc is proud to announce the award of a supplier contract from The Boeing Company to supply subassemblies for the Chinook CH-47 helicopter. This is an exciting development in the continuing growth at the facility, whose manufacturing history in the area dates back to 1930.

The scope of work in this package includes of the forward pylon, work platforms, and pylon kits. The new contract follows another Chinook contract that was awarded in 2011 for the manufacture and assembly of the Front Cockpit Nose Enclosure.

“Fleet is proud to be part of this iconic program for the world's largest aerospace company. This contract represents a significant award for our locally owned and operated company and reinforces the pride we have in our workforce. We have a talented and dedicated team with a very bright future ahead,” remarked Glenn Stansfield, President and C.E.O of Fleet Canada Inc.

This award represents a significant increase in the rotorcraft and military markets for Fleet and is in keeping with our strategy of diversification of our business. This work will highlight the effectiveness across the broad skill set Fleet Canada has to offer. We look forward to future opportunities with Boeing and our other valued customers.

This new work package for Fleet is aligned with Boeing's 90-year history and long-term commitment to engage with Canadian industry in areas of high value defense and aerospace work. This contract was awarded to Fleet based on their capabilities and competitiveness, as well as, how this work will support the fulfillment of Boeing's Industrial & Regional Benefits (IRB) programs. Canada's IRB policy requires prime contractors, such as Boeing, to make investments in the Canadian economy as a result of winning defense and security contracts with the government of Canada. Boeing has four active IRB programs tied to the procurement of the CC-177 airlifter and support; ScanEagle unmanned aircraft system, CH-147 helicopter and support, and the Mercury Global program. Through successful implementation of these IRB programs, Boeing continues to support Canada's position as a global leader in aerospace by creating long-term, high-value opportunities with Canadian industry

Contact details from our directory:
Fleet Canada Inc. Metal Bonding, Aircraft Structural Components, Heat Treatment, Metal Treatment, Deburring, Bending, Shearing, Stamping, Forming, Metal Structures, Wing Spars, Composite Sandwich Panels, Final Assembly, Carbon-reinforced Composites, Fibreglass, Honeycomb Core Composites, Metal Matrix Composites, Subcontracted Composite Parts, Foam Core Composites, Epoxy Resins, Composite Tape Lay-down, Aramid-reinforced Composites, Fuselage Sections, Aircraft Control Surfaces, Empennages
Boeing Defense, Space & Security Airframer
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Boeing CH-47 Chinook
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