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Aero shipped the first rear fuselage for Embraer KC-390
Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The biggest aerostructure ever made in the Czech Republic will be delivered to the Brazilian customer by one of the world's largest cargo airplanes – almost seventy metres long AN-124 Ruslan.

For Embraer, 3rd biggest aerospace manufacturer in the world, Aero delivers rear fuselage, cargo ramp, all cabin doors and wing fixed leading edge (FLE) for the state of the art, military transport aircraft, the KC-390. It is also responsible for the design and development of the FLE. The rear fuselage which was sent today is – with the dimensions of 6,5x4,5x3,3 metres – thebiggest aerostructure ever made in the Czech Republic.

For this reason, even the transportation of the rear fuselage is a challenge. The rear fuselage will be delivered to Brazil by An-124 Ruslan, manufactured by Ukrainian company Antonov, which is one of the world's largest serial-produced cargo airplanes. This four-engine high-wing aircraft has a cargo space over a thousand cubic metres and can carry up to 150 tons of payload. After Airbus A-380 of Korean Air, which landed on Vaclav Havel Airport on Friday, this is another giant of aviation to be seen in Prague.

Aero signed a contract for delivery of structural parts for KC-390 in 2011. Embraer KC-390 is the newest multi-purpose military transport aircraft of medium size, designed for transportation of cargo and people. The KC-390 program is owned by the Brazilian Air Force and the aircraft is being developed in line with the Air Force requirements. The first flight of KC-390 is expected in 2014; the aircraft is supposed to be put in operation in 2016.

Contact details from our directory:
Aero Vodochody Aerospace a.s. Airframer
Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Airframer
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Embraer C-390 Millennium
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