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Garmin G1000-equipped Cessna Caravan earns EASA certification
Monday, 21 July 2008

Cessna Aircraft Company, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, announced today it has achieved European Aviation Safety Agency certification to deliver Caravan models with Garmin G1000 integrated avionics as standard equipment.

Cessna earned Federal Aviation Administration certification for the upgraded configuration and began deliveries in April.

"We took a record 272 Caravan orders in 2007, and orders continue to be brisk this year," said John Doman, Cessna vice president of worldwide propeller aircraft sales. "We have significantly increased production rates, and we're looking forward to starting deliveries of the upgraded Caravans in Europe."

Cessna customers now will find the G1000 package on every aircraft ranging from the Skyhawk single-engine piston through the Citation Mustang entry-level business jet.

The Garmin G1000 system designed for the Caravan line the Cessna 208, the Grand Caravan (208B) and the Super Cargomaster includes three 10" displays and incorporates the GFC700, an integrated, dual-channel digital autopilot. Other features include a flight director, go-around mode, Wide Area Augmentation System and SafeTaxiTM. Radar, TAWS-B, XM radio and XM weather are optional features.

Additionally, Cessna now offers an optional TKS anti-ice system on cargo pod-equipped Caravans. The system releases glycol-based fluid through laser-drilled panels on the leading edges of the wings and horizontal and vertical stabilizers to reduce ice accumulation. A slinger ring on the propeller also emits fluid to minimize ice accumulation on the prop, windshield, cargo pod and landing gear. Cessna is currently developing a TKS option for non-cargo pod-equipped Caravans.

Contact details from our directory:
Textron Aviation Inc. Airframer
Garmin International GPS, Transceivers, Radar Transponders, Position Indicators, Radio Communications Equipment, Instrument Landing Systems, Moving Maps, Flight Directors, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, Flight Management Systems, Avionics Management Systems, Autopilots, Weather Mapping Radar, VOR (Omnirange) Receivers, Onboard Intercom Systems, Collision Avoidance Systems/TCAS, Radar/Radio Altimeters, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems, Magnetometers, Onboard Computers, Air Data Computers, Satellite Receivers, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Onboard Airport Navigation Systems, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems, Head-Up Displays, Airborne Communication Systems, Engine Indicator Instruments, Storm-Warning Radar, Autothrottle Systems, ADS-B systems
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