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VSI awarded contract from Boeing to provide the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System for the F-15E
Friday, 1 August 2008

Vision Systems International, LLC (VSI), has been awarded an initial contract at more than $17 million from Boeing for the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) in 145 F-15E Strike Eagles. The contract includes dual-seat capable JHMCS hardware and pilot equipment to include helmets and visors. Initial deliveries have already commenced and will continue through mid-2009.

"The situational awareness capabilities afforded by JHMCS in the air-to-ground mission environment are necessities given today's battlespace, and providing a dual-seat capability is phenomenally important," said VSI President Drew Brugal. "Getting our JHMCS on the Strike Eagle has been a key company goal since we started developing the system in 1996."

The JHMCS provides the pilot with "first look, first shot" high off-boresight weapons engagement capabilities. The system enables the pilot to accurately cue onboard weapons and sensors against enemy aircraft and ground targets without the need to aggressively turn the aircraft or place the target in the Head-Up Display (HUD) for designation. Critical information and symbology, such as targeting cues and aircraft performance parameters, are graphically displayed directly on the pilot's visor. This information, combined with the display of data-link cues, as well as navigational and aircraft performance parameters, provides the pilot with a tremendous increase in situational awareness.

Contact details from our directory:
JHMCS II (was Vision Systems International) Helmet-Mounted Displays (HMD)
Boeing Defense, Space & Security Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Boeing F-15E Strike Eagle
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Indicators and Instruments