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GKN Aerospace to open new Orangeburg facility to produce jet engine inlet lip skins
Wednesday, 17 June 2015

GKN Aerospace announced that it will open a new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility to produce inlet lip skins for the Boeing 737 MAX and 777X. The facility will be located adjacent to GKN's existing assembly facility in Orangeburg, South Carolina. The production programs will be carried out in Orangeburg, while technology development work supporting the programs will remain at GKN's Camarillo, CA, location.

The new 126,000-square-foot facility will produce the one-piece 737 MAX and two-piece 777X lip skins. GKN Aerospace expects over 75 personnel to be working in the new facility as the programs reach full production. The majority of these personnel will come from the local area. GKN will procure and install all of the major capital equipment to assure that planned program production rates are attained. First production of lip skins from the facility is scheduled for late 2016.
Daniele Cagnatel, Chief Executive Officer, GKN Aerospace - Aerostructures North America, said: “Our expansion in Orangeburg is directly tied to the recent acquisition of Sheets Manufacturing Inc. and the new inlet lip skin production facility will meet Boeing's needs for the 737 MAX and 777X. The site is close to the Boeing Propulsion South Carolina facility, allowing GKN and Boeing to work collaboratively. The selection of Orangeburg was also influenced by the ongoing success in our existing facility. We have been able to hire and train the personnel we need and are confident we will have future success as our facilities grow. GKN is proud to be a part of the South Carolina aerospace community and have continued growing our strong partnership with the State of South Carolina, Orangeburg County Council and the City of Orangeburg.”

Governor Nikki Haley, of the State of South Carolina stated, “One of our top priorities in our economic development efforts is to make sure companies understand all that our rural counties have to offer, and it's exciting to see that GKN continues to thrive in Orangeburg County. The 75 new jobs GKN is creating truly will make a difference in South Carolina, and we couldn't be more excited about the fact that this great company has decided to invest in the people of our great state once again.”

Mayor Michael Butler, of the city of Orangeburg, South Carolina added, “It's truly a great day of celebration for Orangeburg County to make an announcement of this magnitude. This announcement will create more than 75 jobs in and around the City and County. This is a positive reflection of our workforce and development going forward.”

Johnnie Wright, Sr., Orangeburg County Council Chairman said, “We are delighted that GKN Aerospace South Carolina has chosen to locate another facility here in Orangeburg County. We are excited to further strengthen our relationship with GKN and are grateful for the opportunity to continue to work with a tremendous leader in the aerospace industry. Their new operation confirms that Orangeburg County is an excellent place to do business.”

Contact details from our directory:
Boeing Orangeburg Facility Metal & Alloy Fabrications
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