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Air Koryo will fly with Perm engines
Friday, 1 December 2006

In September 2006 the financing of the Contract made by and between Perm Engine Company and North Korea Airline for the delivery of two PS-90A aero-engines for Tu-204-300 aircraft was initiated.

According to the Contract that was signed in April 2006, the engines must be manufactured by the end of 2007 proceeding from the date, when the airframe will be available. At present the Korean party has reached the agreement with "Aviastar-SP" Aircraft Works of Ulianovsk regarding the construction of Tu-204-300 aircraft in shortest time possible (for 10 months). So the ready-to-use engines will be required in May 2007 already. As the top managers said, Perm Engine Company would follow the dates agreed on. In the middle of October a delegation of Korea Democratic Republic will visit Perm Motors Group companies to make some amendments in the Contract.

When the works under the above Contract are completed, the Korean party is going to buy one more Tu-204-300 aircraft as was stated during the negotiations. So the total number of the engines ordered by North Korea will be 5 PS-90A engines, including one standby engine.

It is the first time, when North Korea is positioned as a customer of Perm engines. PS-90A aero-engine and the engine modifications are also successfully operated by Cubana de Aviacion Airline of Cuba and Silk Way Airlines of Azerbaijan.

Contact details from our directory:
UEC-Aviadvigatel Stock Company Turbofan Engines
UEC Perm Engines Turbofan Engines
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Tupolev Tu-204/214
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