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AMETEK Windshield Heater Controller system selected for Embraer Legacy 450-500 family of executive jets
Monday, 3 November 2008

AMETEK Aerospace will provide Embraer (Empresa Brasilieira de Aeronautica S.A.) with the Windshield Heater Controller (WHC) system for its new Legacy 400-500 Family of Executive Jets.  The WHC controller combines AMETEK's proven data acquisition and control technology with its advanced AMPHION™ power control technology to provide smart control and protection of the windshield heater. 

"Our AMPHION power controller is ideally suited for controlling high power in high criticality applications," comments Jeffrey A. Beck, Senior Vice President and General Manager of AMETEK Aerospace.  "More than just a switch or thermostat, the AMETEK WHC provides built-in arc fault protection and built-in fail safe protection." 

"This allows simplification of the aircraft electrical system saving additional weight and cost on the aircraft.  The efficiency of AMETEK AMPHION technology also simplifies aircraft installation because AMPHION eliminates the need for any active cooling of power control products," he adds.  

At the heart of the AMETEK system is its AMPHIONTM Solid-State Power Controller (SSPC) that combines circuit breaker, load monitoring and relay functions in a small, cost-effective plug-in package. AMPHION SSPC offers remote load control power measurement and over-current protection as well as provides arc-fault protection for wiring and electrical loads. Its patented circuitry prevents a device failure in a short-circuit condition and its unique "fail-open" feature prevents a load from remaining powered and unprotected.

AMPHION SSPCs are based on patented circuitry that serves as the building block for an entirely new architecture for the control and distribution of aircraft power. They provide circuit protection as well as the capability to remotely switch power to devices, monitor load voltage and current, and relay data on performance trends and prognostics for preventive maintenance.

AMPHION's load management abilities offer power distribution system designers such features as emergency power bus load control and isolation, load balancing, and load shedding. AMPHION SSPCs can distinguish between the fault current pattern typical of an arc and normal inrush surges or other types of current peaks. Specific packages, such as the MS-3320 style AMPHION circuit breaker, also can provide a visual indication of the fault type and communication over an industry standard single-wire data bus.

AMPHION technology is available in multiple packages from custom PC board- mounted devices to stand-alone, military relay and circuit breaker envelopes. Its unique arc-fault detecting ability allows it to trip on intermittent faults produced by wire insulation failure and other causes.

The Embraer MidLight Legacy 450 and MidSize Legacy 500 fill a range of business aircraft between the MidLight and Super Mid-Size cabin configurations and provide a host of performance standards including full fly-by-wire.  Flexible designs allow for configurations from 7 pax to 12 pax with dual pilot operation. 

Contact details from our directory:
Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Airframer
AMETEK Aerospace & Defense Thermocouples & Accessories, Electric Power Controllers, Pressure Indicators, Sensors/Transducers, Fuel Control Systems, Cable Assemblies, Engine Health Monitoring, Pressure Altimeters, Tachometers, Accelerometers, Power Distribution Equipment, Data Bus, Engine Harnesses, Temperature Detectors, Engine Indicator Instruments, Flow Meters, Liquid Level Switches, Fuel Probes, Proximity Switches, RVSM Equipment, LCD Displays, Pressure Detectors, Pressure Switches, Relays, Solid State Circuit Breakers, Bleed Air Systems, Engine Heat Exchangers, Oil Coolers, Transducers, Hydraulic Fluid Measuring Equipment, Hydraulic Systems & Equipment, Circuit Breaker Panels, Fans, Cooling Systems, Airborne Electrical Power Supplies, Starter Generators, Engine Parts, Fuel Quantity Indicators
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