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Saab Gripen E launch features Oxley LED lighting
Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Saab has unveiled its first next-generation Gripen E aircraft at the company facility in Linkoping, Sweden. Oxley is proud to supply LED lighting to the Gripen E programme.

Saab described the exciting launch as the 'next chapter in the story of the Smart Fighter' and Saab's Head of Aeronautics, Ulf Nilsson described the move as, 'Proof of Saab's ability to build world-class fighters on time and on budget.'

Oxley has a long-term strategic relationship with Saab Aerospace as a key customer and product technology development partner and has been working with Saab for the last 6 years to design, develop and qualify a set of high intensity landing and taxi lights for the Gripen aircraft.

Oxley supplies LED Landing & Taxi lights to Saab, these units are highly resistant to shock and vibration and operate effectively across a wide temperature range. They are designed to deliver sustained performance in arduous conditions and offer significant through-life cost benefits to the aircraft with an MTBF in excess of 13,000 hours for the landing light and 14,000 hours for the taxi light.

Contact details from our directory:
Oxley Group plc Aircraft Interior Lighting Systems, Optical Filters, Radio Frequency Filters, Night Vision Equipment, Aircraft Exterior Lighting Systems, Emergency Lighting Systems, LED Displays
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