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RO-RA develops and manufactures new structural tie rods for Embraer KC-390
Wednesday, 10 December 2014

The fourth largest aircraft manufacturer Embraer from São José dos Campos has been developing the military-transport aircraft KC-390, a prestige project for the Brazilian aviation industry and government, since 2009.

The development of this military transport aircraft will take about 5 years, and Embraer thus joins the league of the Airbus A400M project and the Boeing B767 tanker project.

RO-RA develops and delivers the structural tie rods with the main suppliers of Embraer for this aircraft project. Once again, the newly developed lightweight materials and constructions of RO-RA have convinced our customers. RO-RA developed these custom structural rods in a record time of 8 months - from the basic concept to qualification and installation on the aircraft.

"The development and qualification of the structural tie rods for the KC-390 project was an enormous challenge, which has been achieved under the time constraints of our clients. This underlines the flexibility and dedication of our staff and the project team ", said Josef Fellinger, Chairman of RO-RA Aviation Systems.

Contact details from our directory:
RO-RA Aviation Systems GmbH Pivots, Aircraft Structural Components, Rod Ends, Precision Machined Parts, Shock Absorbers & Mounts, Struts, Milling, Turning, Machining Systems, Mechanical Fittings, Engine Parts
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Embraer C-390 Millennium
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