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Airbus selects Goodrich wheels and carbon brakes for A350 XWB aircraft family
Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Goodrich Corporation (NYSE: GR) has been selected by Airbus to supply wheels and carbon brakes for all variants of the A350 XWB family of aircraft. The selection is expected to generate more than $3 billion in revenue over the life of the program. The equipment will be provided by Goodrich's Aircraft Wheels and Brakes team in Troy, Ohio.

The A350 XWB wheels and brake equipment will marry state of the art design techniques with service-proven product technology. The brakes will utilize Goodrich's DURACARB(R) carbon heat sink material. As part of a successful service history, DURACARB(R) has demonstrated 35% greater brake life than competing carbon braking materials, producing cost savings for operators. Key elements of the selection process included product capabilities, design technique, and demonstration of mature, robust program management processes. Goodrich is the first supplier selected to provide wheels and brakes for the A350 XWB.

"This selection for the Airbus A350 XWB provides a position for Goodrich wheels and brakes on a new widebody aircraft that will serve airlines for decades to come," said Jack Carmola, Segment President, Actuation and Landing Systems, Goodrich. "As one of Airbus' largest suppliers, we look forward to participating in the success of this important new aircraft." Other Goodrich content on the Airbus A350 XWB family includes nacelle and thrust reverser systems and the air data system.

Contact details from our directory:
Airbus S.A.S. Airframer
Collins Aerospace, Wheels and Brakes Carbon Brakes, Aircraft Wheels, Brake-by-Wire Systems, Hydraulic Brakes, Electrical Brakes, Anti-Skid Brakes & Systems, Tyre Pressure Monitors, Helicopter Landing Gear, Helicopter Wheels
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