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AGC AeroComposites awarded contract to produce the Multi-Station Lightweight Armament Support System for the US Army's MH-60M Fleet
Tuesday, 24 March 2015

AGC AeroComposites, an AGC Aerospace & Defense company and global supplier of composite aerostructures and components, has been awarded the production of the Multi-Station Lightweight Armament Support System (MSLASS) wings for the MH-60M fleet. Under the contract, AGC will deliver eight ship-sets of MSLASS wings to the US Army Special Operations Forces Support Activity (SOFSA).

“We take pride in providing our military the ability to improve mission ready aircraft and extend their flight range with the lightweight MSLASS,” said Rick Armstrong, President and CEO of AGC AeroComposites. “We are constantly looking to revolutionize composites breakthroughs to improve the safety, fuel efficiency and overall needs of our nation's warriors.”

The groundbreaking MSLASS is a lightweight, corrosion resistant direct replacement for the External Stores Support System (ESSS) multi-station weapons platform. The MSLASS offers a 35% weight reduction over the legacy metal ESSS. AGC's MSLASS fits existing Sikorsky UH-60 interfaces and uses the same installation kits and procedures. It supports the M230, M261 and M272 weapon system loads, maintains a neutral lift and reduces drag.

In addition to the MSLASS, AGC AeroComposites produces the Lightweight Armament Support System (LASS), a single-station weapons pylon for the UH-60, along with the Composite Universal Weapons Pylon (CUWP) for the US Army Kiowa Warrior and Bell 407 helicopter. Furthermore, the company produces the Binocular Optical Support Structure (BOSS) used on the head-up display on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. AGC's composite solutions are used on leading helicopter platforms from global OEMs including Sikorsky, AgustaWestland, Bell Helicopter and Boeing.

Contact details from our directory:
Unitech Composites Aircraft Structural Components, Subcontracted Composite Parts, Fairings, Manifolds & Ducts, Gun Mounts, Head-Up Displays, Honeycomb Core Composites, Laminates, Composite Structures, Aircraft Control Surfaces
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