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New SSJ100 model certified by EASA: base take-off weight with increased engine thrust
Tuesday, 16 May 2017

The designer and manufacturer of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100), the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company has successfully ended European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification process for its new type - B100.

The difference between the B100 and the base version is the increased-thrust SaM146 engines; such engines are also installed to the long range version of the aircraft.

Key characteristics of SSJ100 B100, certified type RRJ-95B-100, are flight range – 3048 km with expected payload under standard atmospheric conditions, maximum takeoff weight - 45880 kg, engine takeoff thrust – 16100 lbf, and takeoff distance reduced by 10% as compared to the base version.

Certification of B100 type marked another milestone in the large-scale program of operating conditions expansion for Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft. The increased thrust of the engine improves the aircraft's takeoff performance, granting new opportunities to the Customers. Such characteristics might be of interest to the Western Europe airlines when it comes to flights from short runways including those within the boundaries of the city.

These characteristics may also appeal to potential Customers from the BRICS area for which the possibility of commercial operation from aerodromes located at heights reaching 3300 meters above sea level becomes as an essential requirement when deciding in favor of SSJ100. The increased engine thrust of the new type copes with the task.

The EASA certificate allows to deliver B100 to European airlines and as well as to other Customers on other continents. Earlier, in December 2015, this model was certified in Russia.

Consequently, SCAC broadens its product line via offering the new model with improved takeoff performance in addition to aircraft of different takeoff weight and distance range.

Contact details from our directory:
Irkut Regional Aircraft (was Sukhoi Civil Aircraft) Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Sukhoi SuperJet 100 (SSJ)