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ITP signs a contract with Rolls-Royce to supply the Low Pressure Turbine for the Trent XWB, which is to equip the Airbus A350 XWB
Friday, 6 February 2009

Industria de Turbo Propulsores, S. A. (ITP), and Rolls-Royce Plc, have signed a contract under which ITP will enter into a supplier partnership for the Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) of the Trent XWB. The Trent XWB will power Airbus' new star aircraft. The contract could amount to a turnover of 4,900 million euros over the course of the engine's life.

The signing of this agreement consolidates ITP's position as the key supplier of low pressure turbines for Rolls Royce large civil engines. ITP's participation in this RRSP (risk and revenue sharing partner) contract will cover responsiblity for the assembly, manufacture and design of the Low Pressure Turbine (LPT).

For Ignacio Mataix, chief executive of ITP, "the agreement we have reached represents a new step in our strategic alliance with Rolls-Royce in the motorisation of large commercial aircraft. At the same time, it is an enormous challenge, which will demand the maximum from our productive efficiency in order to make it viable in ITP and will need the support of all the social agents who participate directly or indirectly in our activity, so that a project of this magnitude can be converted into a rich source of revenue for our group".

The development of the low pressure turbine for the Trent XWB will mean an investment of more than 250 million euros for ITP, including material and non-material investments which will affect activity in design, manufacturing and assembly.

With this programme, ITP strengthens its role as a technological company at the forefront of Spanish industrial companies for its investment ratio between turnover and R&D. A highlight within this area is the group's participation, with an estimated budget of 21 million euros over the period 2008-2015, as an associate company in the Joint Technology Initiative "Clean Sky", part of the European platform "Sustainable & Green Engines". Optimised LPT

The Low Pressure Turbine designed and manufactured by ITP is a fundamental component of the engine. The turbine incorporates the latest design tools to optimise aerodynamics with the aim of reducing the engine's sonic footprint and its specific fuel consumption. Under the engine's working conditions, the low pressure turbine has the capacity to utilise the airflow passing through it, converting it into movement of the fan which will power the engine at 0.85 times the speed of sound.  

However, achieving a more efficient engine means that the temperatures to which components are subjected become greater, making the mechanical design of these parts progressively more complex. In the aircraft's flight conditions, some of the turbine components are subjected to stress levels similar to those which would be produced by suspending a weight equivalent to 200,000 cars.

The engine

The Trent XWB is the only powerplant currently available for the A350 XWB and will be the only engine fully optimised for the 250-375 seat aircraft family. It will utilise the latest available technology at entry into service to ensure lowest environmental impact.

The first Trent XWB will be ground tested in 2010. In 2011, the engine will make its maiden flight on a flying test bed, followed by airworthiness certification and first flight on the A350 XWB in 2012.

By the time the Trent XWB enters service, Trent series engines will have accumulated more than 75 million flying hours.

Rolls-Royce is continually improving the environmental impact of its products. Each year the company, in collaboration with its partners, invests around £700 million on research and development, two thirds of which has the objective of reducing the environmental impact of its products and operations. This technology investment is primarily aimed at reducing noise and emissions.

Contact details from our directory:
Rolls-Royce plc Civil Aerospace Turbofan Engines, Additive Manufacturing, Ceramic
ITP Aero (Industria de Turbo Propulsores) Brazing, Thrust Reversers, Discs & Diaphragms, Fans, Engine Parts, Engine Nozzles, Exhaust Systems, Engine Housings, Compressors
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