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Honeywell's Primus Epic 2.0 certified for the world's first Super Versatile Jet
Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Honeywell has received certification from the Federal Aviation Administration for the Primus Epic 2.0 cockpit, which is making its debut on the Pilatus PC-24 Super Versatile Jet. The system combines the latest in Honeywell's cockpit technologies to provide pilots with the best flight experience and communication capabilities yet. Primus Epic 2.0 supports Honeywell's SmartView Synthetic Vision system and Honeywell's Interactive Navigation to increase navigational performance and safety by identifying difficult terrain and efficiently redirecting flight paths.

"Honeywell continues to help pilots and operators transition toward the global, digital age by offering cockpit solutions that evolve their current fleet into something brand new," said Jeff Merdich, vice president, Cockpit Systems, Honeywell Aerospace. "The Primus Epic 2.0 integrated cockpit system not only lets pilots fly in any airspace, weather or approach, it also delivers the latest in situational awareness, communication, engine and flight planning technologies compared with other cockpit offerings."

The Primus Epic 2.0 integrated avionics system, formerly known as Primus APEX, is the latest evolution of the Primus cockpit family and is the foundation for the Advanced Cockpit Environment (ACE) of the Pilatus PC-24 Super Versatile Jet. Designed in partnership with Pilatus, the ACE integrated flight deck powered by Honeywell's Primus Epic 2.0 provides the PC-24 with a sophisticated combination of technology, features and capabilities, to provide the ultimate flight experience and capabilities for the pilot. The cockpit environment includes a unique integration of aircraft systems, including safety sensors, navigation and terrain data information, to deliver greater safety and situational awareness. Primus Epic 2.0 operators also have the option of installing the industry's latest flight solutions such as enhanced aircraft traffic surveillance, which makes it easier to fly visual approaches, and GoDirect Flight Services apps, which simplify the exchange of flight information between pilots, passengers and ground crews.

The Primus Epic 2.0 integrated cockpit system in the PC-24 ACE includes the following features:

Advanced navigation and situational awareness. Honeywell's industry-leading SmartView synthetic vision, Interactive Navigation and Airport Moving Maps optimize safety by increasing situational awareness, reducing pilot workload and improving their confidence in navigating in any situation, regardless of outside visibility. Aircraft will also be mandate-compliant, and pilots can handle solo operations with greater safety.

Four 12-inch color LCD displays. The integrated cockpit system features two Primary Flight Displays and two Multifunction Displays that are user friendly and lessen pilot workload. These displays also offer scalable window views, charts, maps and aircraft system details that make glancing across controls effortless.

Better information and mandate ready. Primus Epic 2.0 includes the latest communication systems, providing operators with an easy path to the mandated Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Out system. The system also supports Cockpit Display of Traffic Information, which combines a map view with location information on other aircraft in a plane's vicinity, while in the air or on the ground.

Honeywell as your sole supplier. The new cockpit avoids the headache of difficult maintenance and upgrade processes by letting pilots and operators rely on Honeywell as their sole supplier for all cockpit avionics solutions.

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