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Constellium signs multi-year contract with aerospace manufacturer Pilatus to support jet aircraft program
Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Constellium N.V. announced today that it has extended its long-term contract with aircraft manufacturer Pilatus to support its new executive jets aircraft program. With this agreement Constellium will supply an increased volume of aerospace plate to Pilatus.

Under this contract, Constellium will supply Pilatus with aerospace plates from its manufacturing plant in Issoire (France) to support the delivery of more than 80 PC-24 Super Versatile Jets as part of Pilatus’ efforts to develop a new executive jet segment. “This contract further strengthens our longstanding relationship with Pilatus” said Ingrid Joerg,

President of Constellium’s Aerospace and Transportation business unit. “It also demonstrates Constellium’s expertise in providing leading solutions for the aerospace market, thanks to a constant focus on research and innovation, in close partnership with our clients.”

Constellium designs and manufactures specialty plates, sheets, extrusions and precision castings for commercial and military aircraft industry as well as for the space market. It offers premachining, custom-designed aerospace components, and many advanced technologies and proprietary alloys, such as Airware, which uniquely enables weight reduction, extends intervals of aircraft heavy maintenance and contributes to the development of a sustainable aerospace industry.

Contact details from our directory:
Constellium Aluminium
Constellium Issoire Aluminium, Metal & Alloy Suppliers, Superalloys
Pilatus Aircraft Ltd Airframer
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Pilatus PC-24
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