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Milestone year for V2500 engine as it looks to power third platform
Wednesday, 18 July 2018

The company behind the V2500® engine is celebrating a milestone this year marking 35 years since the partnership was formed.

The V2500 engine is offered through IAE International Aero Engines AG, a multinational aero engine consortium whose shareholders comprise Pratt & Whitney (NYSE:UTX), Pratt & Whitney Aero Engines International GmbH, Japanese Aero Engines Corporation and MTU Aero Engines.

"The first V2500 engine flew into service just 6 years after we launched the company, and now this year we'll start to power our third platform with this engine when the KC-390 is delivered to Embraer's first customer," said Bernie Zimmerman, president, IAE International Aero Engines AG. "The V2500 engine has powered more than 3,100 aircraft for greater than 200 million flight hours."

The V2500 engine family provides efficient, clean power in the 22,000 to 33,000 pound thrust range with class-leading lowest fuel burn and reliability.

Contact details from our directory:
IAE - International Aero Engines Turbofan Engines
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