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Issued by: Gogo (was Gogo Business Aviation)

Dassault Falcon to offer Aircell High Speed Internet
Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Aircell, the world's leading provider of airborne communications, announces that Dassault Falcon will offer the Aircell High Speed Internet system aboard its entire fleet of business jets, including the Falcon 7X, 900LX, 900EX, 900DX, 2000LX and 2000DX. It represents the first full-fleet selection of the system by a business aircraft manufacturer.

The Aircell High Speed Internet system will allow Falcon passengers and crews to use their own Wi-Fi enabled devices, such as laptops, tablet PCs, smartphones and PDAs, to surf the Web, send and receive e-mail with attachments, access their corporate Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and much more - all at full mobile broadband speeds in flight. The Aircell High Speed Internet system is powered by the Aircell Network, which utilizes the latest 3G mobile wireless technology, operating in the continental U.S. over an advanced network of ground stations and Aircell's exclusive broadband air-to-ground spectrum.

Eric Monsel, Vice President, Programs, Dassault Falcon, said, "In this day and age, it's seldom we talk to customers without discussing what in-flight connectivity options are available. People want to be as fully connected aboard their aircraft as they are in their office. The Aircell High Speed Internet system is requested frequently because it fulfills that need and no other solution on the market is as fast, light and affordable," concluded Mr. Monsel.

Falcon customers opting for the service will receive an Aircell Axxess cabin system with an ATG 4000 High Speed Internet unit. This integrated, open architecture communications suite provides high speed Internet service via the Aircell Network, as well as multiple channels of worldwide voice and narrowband data service via the Iridium satellite network. Design work has already begun to incorporate the system into the production line at Dassault Falcon and the first equipped aircraft is scheduled for customer delivery in the fourth quarter of 2010.

John Wade, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Aircell, said, "Today's selection further underscores the value and uniqueness of the Aircell High Speed Internet system. By providing full-scale connectivity to passengers and crews, the system is vital to enhancing productivity in today's business climate. We're very pleased to continue our longstanding relationship with Dassault Falcon and bringing this new technology to their customers".

The proprietary Aircell High Speed Internet system is the only solution in business aviation that provides a true high speed Internet experience that equals what passengers are accustomed to on the ground, while being small and light enough to fit on virtually any business aircraft. It is up to 56 times faster than a traditional dial-up connection. Aircell's High Speed Internet unit for business aviation (the ATG 4000) weighs just 11 pounds and its two belly-mounted antennae weigh just 1.25 pounds each.

In addition to its popularity in the business aviation market, the commercial airline version of the service - Gogo Inflight Internet - has been selected by airlines representing more than half of the North American mainline market. The system is flying today with American Airlines, Virgin America, Delta Air Lines and AirTran Airways. It is coming soon to Northwest Airlines, Air Canada, United Airlines and US Airways.

In addition to the exclusive Aircell High Speed Internet system for the continental U.S., Aircell is offering its satellite-based SwiftBroadband solution for global service. Aircell's SwiftBroadband product is powered by Thrane & Thrane.

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Dassault Aviation Airframer
Gogo (was Gogo Business Aviation) Transceivers, Airborne Communication Systems, Communication Antennas, Air-to-Ground Data Links
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Dassault 900LX
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Communications (Airborne)