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Fokker Elmo wins wiring contract for Rolls-Royce Trent XWB aero engine for Airbus A350
Friday, 23 October 2009

Fokker Elmo, a Stork Aerospace company has signed a contract with Rolls-Royce, the global power systems business. The contract is to provide design support and manufacture for the electrical wiring for the Trent XWB engine which will power the Airbus A350 family of aircraft. The associated design-support and production work is expected to be worth approximately $70 million, with activities to start in 2009.

The Trent XWB Engine is specifically designed for the A350XWB family of aircraft and includes the latest technology to minimize operating costs and deliver exceptional performance. It has single engine type operational benefits with the lowest carbon emissions of any wide body engine. Besides powering the A350-800 and A350-900 the Trent XWB will also power the larger A350-1000 in the 350 seat market, the A350-900 Freighter and the ultra long range A350-900R, providing a single engine type across the aircraft family. To date, Airbus has received customer commitments for 493 A350XWB aircraft from 28 operators making the Trent XWB the fastest-selling member of the Trent engine family.

With the Trent XWB engine program Fokker Elmo will be extending a business relationship with Rolls-Royce that started in the late nineties. The development phase of the A350XWB programme will take place at Fokker Elmo the Netherlands followed by series production scheduled to be undertaken at Fokker Elmo China.

President of Fokker Elmo, Mr. Jan Lagasse stated: "At Fokker Elmo we are very proud of the relationship between Rolls-Royce and Fokker. We feel privileged to be a part of the Trent XWB programme and to be able to contribute to its success".

Contact details from our directory:
Rolls-Royce plc Civil Aerospace Turbofan Engines, Additive Manufacturing, Ceramic
Fokker Techniek Engine Harnesses, Electrical Wire & Cable, Wire Harnesses
Related aircraft programs:
Airbus A350
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Electrical Power Systems
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