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Kaman Composites - Wichita wins Sikorsky Combat Rescue Helicopter composite work statement
Sunday, 9 September 2018

Kaman Composites - Wichita, Inc. (KCW), announced continued success with a new statement of work to supply complex composite components and assemblies for the Sikorsky Combat Rescue Helicopter. KCW, a subsidiary of Kaman Aerospace Group, Inc. and part of its Aerosystems Division, is a leading supplier of complex composite structures, components, and assemblies for the commercial and defense aerospace industry.

"We are pleased to continue supporting Sikorsky and the U.S. Military," said Mark Withrow, Vice President and General Manager, Kaman Composites U.S. "Our unique ability to collaborate with our partners to understand and address specific design and manufacturing requirements enables us to continue to secure this statement of work, and cements Kaman's standing as an integral Sikorsky supplier."

This work package includes apertures, fairings, stowage boxes, and cover assemblies. The new state-of-the-art HH-60W "Whisky" Combat Rescue Helicopter provides unrivaled capability enhancements to the U.S. Air Force rescue mission. It entered the final assembly line in February of 2018 and is expected to embark on its first flight two months ahead of schedule in 2018.

"Our employees are proud to be a part of the Combat Rescue Helicopter program as we continue to expand upon our relationship with Sikorsky. The additional work demonstrates confidence in our workforce and company as a reliable and consistent supplier to the war fighter. We appreciate Sikorsky's commitment to Kaman and are excited to add more critical composites work in Wichita," said Andrew Chavez, Senior Site Director at KCW.

Contact details from our directory:
Kaman Aerosystems Airframer
VECCO Wichita (was Kaman Composites Wichita) Metal Matrix Composite Structures, Engine Inlets, Aircraft Structural Components, Composite Structures
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