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Embraer's Legacy 450 and Legacy 500 programs move forward
Monday, 25 January 2010

Embraer's midlight Legacy 450 and midsize Legacy 500 executive jet development programs continue moving full ahead. The concepts were presented at the 2007 National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Annual Meeting and Convention, in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. The Company maintains its unflagging commitment to developing these aircraft.

The second Man-Machine Interface (MMI) Advisory Board, formed by seasoned pilots and aircraft owners from around the world, was held at Embraer's headquarters in São José dos Campos, Brazil, in the second half of 2009. The majority of the Board's previous suggestions were implemented in the final projects of the jets, confirming Embraer's commitment to design aircraft that meet market demands. As a result of one of the suggestions, the Company now offers a broader range of finishing materials. Guided by six different thematic panels, customers can select the interior configuration that best matches their interests, from among millions of possible combinations.

During the MMI meeting, the Audio and Video Cabin Management System (AV/CMS) – Honeywell's Ovation® Select™ Full Digital, Hi-Definition, Hi-Fidelity, Hi-Speed Cabin Connection Suite – had its graphical user interface tested in a "Voice of Customer" session, which was dedicated to learning the board's impressions regarding the system's functionality and appearance.

"As we begin producing the first parts for the Legacy 450 and Legacy 500 jets, we are always open to learning from our customers," said Luís Carlos Affonso, Embraer Executive Vice President, Executive Jets. "Listening to our customers has been an Embraer trade mark. I believe this is the right attitude to have when designing products that respond to market needs, and are intended to always provide customers with a remarkable ownership experience."

Various manufacturing processes are in the testing phase. Quality and maturity tests are also being conducted to evaluate the aircraft equipment under critical flight situations, such as vibration and high altitude. Extreme conditions are simulated in advanced testing chambers at supplier and Embraer facilities. This procedure will ensure that certain part designs are already mature when the prototypes begin their test flights.

Embraer steadily advances in the development of avionics and fly-by-wire flight control systems. Rigs are used to simulate the features of the Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion™ avionics, as well as the aircraft flight control system. Through the use of computational flight simulation, fly-by-wire control laws are tested and verified by pilots and engineers well before any airplane prototype is built.

Production has begun on the Legacy 500's first parts. The nose and main landing gear forgings arrived at Heroux-Devtek, in Canada and began to be machined. Meggitt performed the first forgings for the wheels and brakes. Belgium's Sonaca began the first trials for stretching the rear fuselage panels at its facilities in the city of Gosselies. The selection of suppliers continues.

Embraer's commitment to the environment is built into the design of the Legacy 450 and the Legacy 500. The aircraft will comply with worldwide certification limits for aviation noise and emissions, as established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP), and with very significant margins.

The certification process is well underway with Brazil's National Civil Aviation Agency (Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil – ANAC), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the U.S., and the European Aviation Safety Association (EASA).

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Collins Aerospace, Avionics Division Head-Up Displays, Radio Communications Equipment, Moving Maps, Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS), LCD Displays, Engine Indicator Instruments, Cabin Management Systems, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Inflight Entertainment, Automatic Direction Finders, Cabin Address Systems, Autopilots, Radar/Radio Altimeters, Distance Measuring Equipment, VOR (Omnirange) Receivers, Avionics Management Systems, Air-to-Ground Data Links, Multi-Mode Receivers (MMR), Engine Control Quadrants, Control Panels, Aircraft & Helicopter Controllers, Collision Avoidance Systems/TCAS, Helmet-Mounted Displays (HMD), Weather Mapping Radar, Inertial Components & Systems, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems, Navigation Antennas, Transceivers, Flight Recorders, Cockpit Printers, Flight Directors, Flight Management Systems, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, Air Data Computers, Onboard Computers, UAV Control Software, GPS, Simulation Systems, Surveillance/Air Defense Radar, Engine Controls, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems, Horizontal Situation Indicator, Instrument Landing Systems, Command, Control & Intelligence Systems, Airborne Communication Systems, Cockpit Video Displays, Onboard Intercom Systems
Honeywell Aerospace Air Conditioning Equipment, Air Conditioning Equipment, Magnetometers, Cockpit Printers, Airborne Communication Systems, Cooling Systems, Cargo Systems, Airspeed Indicators, WAAS Equipment, Starter Generators, Bleed Air Systems, Air Purification Systems, Flight Management Systems, Engine Parts, Pneumatic Systems Equipment, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Inertial Components & Systems, Multi-Mode Receivers (MMR), Auxiliary Power Units, Cabin Pressure Control Systems, Autopilots, Cockpit Control Systems, Avionics Management Systems, Automatic Direction Finders, Distance Measuring Equipment, Transceivers, VOR (Omnirange) Receivers, Radio Communications Equipment, GPS, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems, Radar/Radio Altimeters, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems, Horizontal Situation Indicator, Heading Indicators, Onboard Intercom Systems, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, Flight Recorders, Collision Avoidance Systems/TCAS, Fly-by-Wire Systems, Air Data Computers, Cabin Management Systems, Weather Mapping Radar, Emergency Locator Transmitters, Radar Transponders, IFF Interrogators, Glide Slope Receivers, Weapons Countermeasures, LCD Displays, Moving Maps, Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS), Inflight Entertainment, Angle of Attack Indicators, Proximity Sensors, Testing Services, Environmental Testing Services, Electromagnetic Test Services, Electric Power Controllers, Cockpit Video Displays, Fibre Optic Gyroscopes, Fuel Tanks & Systems, Precoolers
Héroux-Devtek Inc. Aircraft Landing Gear, Fatigue Testing, Hydraulic Actuators, Torque Tube Drives, Aircraft Structural Components, Linear Actuators, Rotary Actuators, Wings, Fuselage Sections, Helicopter Landing Gear, Avionics Racks, Mechanical Actuators
Parker Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems Corporation Tyre Pressure Monitors, Aircraft Wheels, Carbon Brakes, Anti-Skid Brakes & Systems, Brake-by-Wire Systems, Steel Brakes, Brake System Components, Aircraft Landing Gear
Sonaca SA Metal Bonding, Laboratory Testing Services, Aircraft Structural Components, Metal Structures, Composite Structures, Fabricating Services, Machining Services, Precision Machined Parts, Composite Manufacturing Services, Injection Moulding, Aircraft Doors, Ice Protection/Prevention Equipment, Nose Cones, Fuselage Sections, Wings, Flap/Slat Mechanisms, Certification Services
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