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Helicopter Ka-62 began certification tests
Thursday, 23 January 2020

The latest Ka-62 multi-purpose helicopter has begun certification testing on the basis of the Russian Helicopters Russian National Helicopter Engineering Center (part of the Rostec State Corporation). It is planned to complete them in 2020, after which it will be possible to supply the Ka-62 to customers.

Previously, all three flight models manufactured at Progress AAC (Primorsky Territory) successfully completed flights as part of the preliminary test program. In their course, the overall performance and aerodynamic characteristics were confirmed. One of the flight models made its debut in the flight program of the MAKS-2019 Aviation and Space Salon.

Tests aimed at checking the compliance of the helicopter with the design documentation requirements and confirming the specified characteristics are carried out both on the basis of the flight test complex of the National Helicopter Center by specialists of Kamov JSC, the Ka-62 developer, and on the territory of the manufacturer AAK Progress. The certification test program includes 480 flights.

"The helicopter meets all modern requirements and has great export potential. Oil and gas companies and other civilian organizations are interested in the aircraft. In addition, in accordance with the agreement signed with the Primorsky Territory administration, it is planned to operate our first aircraft in Primorye." Russian Helicopters " Andrei Boginsky.

It is planned to complete certification tests and obtain a type certificate for Ka-62 in the cargo-passenger version this year. In parallel with the certification testing of the helicopter, preparations are underway for its serial production at Progress AAC. In addition, the company is preparing for certification of the production itself. Thus, everything related to the design, technology, organization and culture of production, the economy will be linked into one certificate and evaluated by the certification commission according to the norms of the Federal Aviation Rules (FAP-21).

Upon completion of the certification process, with the financial support of the Industry Development Fund, it is planned to begin the first serial deliveries of the Ka-62. Organized work on contracting with related enterprises to provide purchased components and assemblies, including with foreign partners. The next step is the certification of the Ka-62 according to European airworthiness standards in the EASA.

"The production capacities of the enterprise are designed to produce up to 45 helicopters per year, both military and civilian, so we are fully prepared to increase production volumes," commented Yury Denisenko, Managing Director of Progress AAC .

The Ka-62 civil multi-purpose helicopter is designed for passenger transportation, offshore operations, emergency medical care, cargo transportation inside the cabin and on external sling, patrolling and environmental monitoring. Due to the high height of the practical ceiling and the thrust-weight ratio of the engines, the Ka-62 can also carry out search and rescue and evacuation work in mountainous areas.

A helicopter with a take-off weight of up to 6.8 tons can carry 15 passengers at distances of up to 720 km, as well as cargo inside the cabin and on external sling. A feature of Ka-62 is the use in its design of polymer composite materials, which make up to 60% by weight. This increases the speed, maneuverability and load capacity of the helicopter, and also reduces fuel consumption. Another distinguishing feature is the single-rotor scheme with a multi-blade tail rotor in the annular channel of the vertical tail unit, which was used on helicopters for the first time in Russia.

Ka-62 has a large passenger compartment, so its layout has an increased pitch of seats. The helicopter used fully domestic on-board electronic equipment with the latest control system for new-generation general helicopter equipment. The helicopter is designed with international safety requirements in mind. In particular, it can perform flight and landing with one engine running. The safety of the pilot and passengers in the event of a hard landing is increased due to the energy-absorbing design of the chassis and seats.

Contact details from our directory:
National Centre for Helicopter Engineering, Kamov Airframer
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