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Contract with Pilatus for PC-24 signed
Monday, 29 January 2018

RO-RA's innovative steering rods and drawbars are blazing the trail for the whole industry. Now a contract between RO-RA and Pilatus for the PC-24 jet was signed!

Control and structural rods are intrinsic components for safe aviation. They transfer flight movements from the cockpit to the wings, tail units and landing gear but also control the opening process of the passenger and freight doors. A key competence of RO-RA Aviation Systems.

The development of this safety class 1 component for a special aeroplane type is comprehensive and dependent on considerable investment. For the new PC-24 Super Versatile of the Swiss Pilatus Aircraft Ltd, this took 2.5 years. Now a contract is signed for the production of steering rods and drawbars of the aircraft.

'A milestone,' as RO-RA Managing Director Helmut Wiesenberger put it. 'For this area, we are developing innovative production processes that give us an absolutely unique position. The PC-24 was the guiding light.'

Pilatus first twinjet is a completely new development and was very successfully presented at the world's most important business plane fair in Las Vegas in October 2017. The PC-24 is set up for Single-Pilot operation, and can land on unpaved runways. A large freight door is built in as standard. The aircraft is intended for use as a business jet as well as use for emergency flights and freight transport. Pilatus received the type certificate for the Super Versatile Jet on December 7th 2017.

Contact details from our directory:
RO-RA Aviation Systems GmbH Pivots, Aircraft Structural Components, Rod Ends, Precision Machined Parts, Shock Absorbers & Mounts, Struts, Milling, Turning, Machining Systems, Mechanical Fittings, Engine Parts
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Pilatus PC-24
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