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SH09 third prototype achieved several "firsts"
Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Flight test activities have fully resumed at Mollis, Switzerland, having reassembled the third SH09 prototype (P3) after its return from Pozzallo.

The flights at Mollis mainly concentrated on testing the new tail rotor and aerodynamic modifications for improved handling in the low speed envelope. Flights at altitude, in the local area, evaluated the handling characteristics at higher speeds and in autorotation.

During these flights we have been able to achieve several firsts for the SH09. Notably, the first flight at the maximum permissible take-off weight for P3 and for the first time the aircraft has been to 35 knots in sideways flight.

Next step is to proceed with the upgrade to Garmin avionics and install the final main rotor flight control system.

Contact details from our directory:
Kopter Group Airframer
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