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The work of the prototype commission on the new VK-1600V engine has been completed
Friday, 13 November 2020

UEC-Klimov presented the design of the VK-1600V engine, which testifies to the passage of an important stage of R&D and new steps in planning certification tests of the power plant. At the same time, a mock-up commission for the BARK-15V automatic regulation and control unit for VK-1600V was held. This digital automatic engine control system is also being developed by UEC-Klimov.

The meetings of the mock commission were held in person and in absentia: due to the restrictions associated with the pandemic, part of the members of the commission took part in the work in the videoconferencing mode.

The composition of the mock-up commission, which worked at JSC UEC-Klimov, included representatives of the Federal Air Transport Agency and the Aviaregister of Russia, certification centres - FSUE TsIAM im. P.I. Baranova ", LLC SC" MATERIAL ", GosNII GA, as well as representatives of the Independent Inspection.

The task of the mock-up commission was to review the engine design to determine the scope and methods of certification work and tests, as well as to discuss and accept the submitted materials and documents for further work.

The engine model was presented in the form of an electronic 3D model, its assemblies and parts.

As a result of the work of the mock-up commission, proposals were issued aimed at optimising certification work in accordance with the current regulatory documents of the aviation authorities, the types of work and tests that have to be passed for a new product developed by UEC-Klimov specialists.

"We have passed an important stage in the process of creating a new engine. It is noteworthy that in difficult conditions of restrictions, we fulfill all obligations, we comply with all deadlines. The project has been accepted by the aviation authorities, further serious work lies ahead, "emphasizes the Program Director - Chief Designer of UEC-Klimov Dmitry Yurchenko.

Recall that the VK-1600V engine in the 1300-1800 hp power class. designed for the Russian-made Ka-62 helicopter. At the beginning of 2021, it is planned to transfer the demonstrator engine for bench tests. The certification of the VK-1600V power plant is scheduled for 2023.

Contact details from our directory:
JSC UEC-Klimov Turboshaft Engines, Design Services, Helicopter Design Consultants, Turboprop Engines, Gearboxes, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Turbofan Engines
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