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Husky now available with G500
Thursday, 25 March 2010

Aviat Aircraft provided the first certified installation of the Garmin G600when it was new. Now they are the first to offer the alternative, less expensive G500 panel mount. Both units provide detail-rich moving map displays, artificial horizon and reliable information about true airspeed, rate of climb, winds aloft, altitude and heading. Both can be linked into most autopilot systems. It is possible to upgrade the G500 over time so that it might eventually have all the systems available in a G600. One of the first add-ons might be Synthetic Vision Technology (SVT) which brings a 3-D virtual reality into the system giving a perspective view of enroute terrain features below the aircraft. Other options include the GWX68, which provides on-board weather radar functionality; the GDL69/69A series receiver that provides weather alerting and NEXRAD coverage for the U.S. and most of Canada, via XM satellite datalink. The option also permits tuning into 170 channels of XM Radio inflight (a subscription is required). By adding a GTX330 Mode S transponder, pilots can keep track of other aircraft in their vicinity. Consumers ordering a new Husky can specify their desire to take delivery with a new G600 or G500 and any Husky owner can contact the Aviat factory about upgrading their panel with either system. The G500 will save owners about $17,250. “The G500 offers Husky pilots an affordable glass cockpit that will enhance the safety and enjoyment of virtually any kind of cross country flying,” said Stu Horn, President of Aviat Aircraft. “Now pilots can wander anywhere they want in the back country and not worry about getting lost.”

Contact details from our directory:
Garmin International GPS, Transceivers, Radar Transponders, Position Indicators, Radio Communications Equipment, Instrument Landing Systems, Moving Maps, Flight Directors, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, Flight Management Systems, Avionics Management Systems, Autopilots, Weather Mapping Radar, VOR (Omnirange) Receivers, Onboard Intercom Systems, Collision Avoidance Systems/TCAS, Radar/Radio Altimeters, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems, Magnetometers, Onboard Computers, Air Data Computers, Satellite Receivers, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Onboard Airport Navigation Systems, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems, Head-Up Displays, Airborne Communication Systems, Engine Indicator Instruments, Storm-Warning Radar, Autothrottle Systems, ADS-B systems
Aviat Aircraft Inc. Airframer
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