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CMC Electronics wins contract with Calidus
Wednesday, 30 March 2022

CMC Electronics announced that it was selected to supply its state-of-the-art mission-ready avionics and software applications for the all-new Calidus B-250, a next-generation light attack combat and training aircraft.

CMC's solution includes the PU-3000, the latest generation certified avionics computer with video processing capabilities powering both a Large Area Display (LAD) and a heads-up display for critical missions. The PU-3000 is an open-architecture system that comes equipped with a Software Development Kit (SDK). The SDK will allow Calidus and third parties to develop and customise their own software applications such as PFD, EICAS and more.

In addition to Calidus' custom applications, the PU-3000 will host CMC's Synthetic Vision System (SVS) and Flight Management System (FMS) software applications. The SVS enhances operational flexibility and safety by increasing the pilot's situational awareness, reducing workload and minimising flight technical errors, particularly during the approach and landing phases of flight.

In addition to complying with the latest CNS/ATM and RNP/PBN standards, the FMS integrates tactical mission features and an advanced graphical interface that is highly intuitive. CMC's highly adaptable FMS software can be hosted on CMC avionics computers, smart displays, or avionics computers offered by other suppliers.

"We are pleased to work with Calidus on this long-term partnership. We are confident that our unique open-architecture, flexible and tailored solutions will meet and exceed their needs. We are proud to be part of this exciting venture and look forward to seeing our industry leading FMS, SVS and advanced avionics computer take to the skies in the B-250", said Brad Nolen, Vice President, Sales and Marketing.

The Calidus B-250 is a mission-ready and highly efficient light attack aircraft that is designed specifically for asymmetric warfare zones but flexible enough for multi-role missions of basic and advanced flight training, counter-insurgency (COIN), close air support (CAS), and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR). The B-250 program will serve the UAE Air Force and other global customers.

Contact details from our directory:
CMC Electronics Inc. Control Panels, Communication Antennas, GPS, Flight Management Systems, Head-Up Displays, Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS), Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, MLS Receivers, Moving Maps, Onboard Computers, LCD Displays, Infrared Detectors
Calidus Airframer
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