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OGMA delivers 1500th Pilatus PC-12 shipset and consolidates its commitment to Aerostructures business
Thursday, 24 May 2018

OGMA – Industria Aeronautica de Portugal, S.A. delivered to Pilatus Aircraft Ltd the 1500th Pilatus PC-12 shipset, an aircraft structure manufactured and assembled at Alverca facilities since 1994. Thus OGMA reinforces a relationship of almost 25-years with the Swiss OEM and consolidates its commitment to the Aerostructures business.

This commemorative ceremony was chaired by the Portuguese Minister of Economy, Manuel Caldeira Cabral, and was attended by President & CEO of OGMA, Marco Tulio Pellegrini, Vice President of Pilatus Aircraft Ltd, Ignaz Gretener, and the Mayor of Vila Franca de Xira Municipality, Alberto Mesquita.

OGMA is a Tier-1 supplier of Pilatus and has a qualified team of more than 230 employees dedicated to the PC-12 program, from different areas such as production, quality, engineering, planning and commercial areas. At Alverca plant, OGMA is responsible for manufacturing composite parts and assembly of the fuselage, wings, cargo and passenger doors, flaps, ailerons, rudder and harnesses. Each shipset goes by inland transport to the Pilatus Group facilities, in Switzerland.

According to the President & CEO of OGMA, Marco Tulio Pellegrini, "the delivery of the 1500th Pilatus PC-12 shipset is a milestone for OGMA. It demonstrates the company's ability and expertise to respond to the most demanding challenges of the aviation industry. This moment is as well good news for the Portuguese aerospace industry as it shows that Portugal has enough talent and knowledge to work in partnership with the most relevant OEMs".

"The relationship between OGMA and Pilatus Aircraft Ltd has around 25 years of existence. It has been a relationship based on a partnership spirit, trust and results. We hope it will continue in the future", adds Marco Tulio Pellegrini.

"After a thorough evaluation of several potential main suppliers in the early 1990s, OGMA was selected as a first green aircraft supplier for the then all new PC-12 program. Although there are also other such suppliers today, OGMA has always been a very strong and competent partner in the PC-12 program until today. We very much appreciate OGMA's contribution in the success of the PC-12.", says Ignaz Gretener, VP General Aviation.

Pilatus PC-12 is the best-selling single-engine turboprop aircraft in its class. It is characterised by its flexible use and can take various configurations, from executive transport with nine passengers capacity to aerial surveillance and ambulance service or cargo transportation.

With more than 30 years of experience in the Aerostructures business, OGMA takes an active part in some of the leading aerospace programs developed by world's largest manufacturers.

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OGMA Avionics Racks, Engine Pylons, Aircraft Structural Components, Nacelles, Design Services, Project Management, Helicopter Assemblies, Wire Harnesses, Fuselage Sections, Fairings, Aircraft Doors, Elevators, Equipment Doors
Pilatus Aircraft Ltd Airframer
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