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GE Honda Aero Engines completes testing of HF120 engine using 100% low carbon Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
Monday, 17 October 2022

GE Honda Aero Engines (GHAE) successfully completed testing of its HF120 engine using 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), a synthetic jet fuel. Currently, the HF120 engine can operate on approved SAF blends up to 50%, and this successful test demonstrates the capability of the engine to run on 100% SAF.

The purpose of this test was to assess the performance of the engine technology with 100% SAF compared to Jet A/A1. Ground testing was performed on an HF120 engine over several days at GE's Peebles Test Operations using HEFA-SPK (Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene), the most widely available SAF, produced from plant-based used cooking oil, waste fats, and greases. Test results are very favorable, with engine performance equivalent to Jet A fuel during the SAF run.

“As our testing shows, the HF120 engine can operate on approved SAF today and in the future. Our customers can be confident that the HF120 engine can help them meet their sustainability goals to reduce CO2 emissions in flight, thanks to the HF120's innovative design features,” said Melvyn Heard, president of GHAE.

“We are excited to share one of the steps GE Honda Aero Engines is taking toward carbon neutrality based on our belief that reducing our impact on the environment is not just an initiative, but an obligation,” said Shinji Tsukiyama, executive vice president of GHAE. “In addition to HF120's best-in-class fuel efficiency, future use of 100% SAF on HF120 will further contribute to environmental sustainability.”

GHAE's parent companies are both part of distinct international efforts that seek to standardize industry specifications and ensure the safety of SAF.

The HF120 has already demonstrated to be the most fuel-efficient engine in its class representing decades of research and development. Innovative aerodynamic designs, such as unique air blast fuel nozzles that yield superior fuel-to-air combustion, minimizing fuel burn, and laser drilled combustor liner holes that enable optimum transfer of compressor energy to the turbine. GHAE is striving to unlock new possibilities and soar above the standard in reducing carbon emissions and is on a journey to lead the future of sustainable operations for business jets in its class.

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GE Honda Aero Engines Turbofan Engines
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