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SAFERTOS® increases support for aerospace applications with new aerospace design assurance pack from WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems
Thursday, 2 February 2023

WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems (WHIS) have announced a new Aerospace Design Assurance Pack (DAP) to expand their support for the aerospace industry, adding to the SAFERTOS® portfolio. The Aerospace Design Assurance Pack has been built specifically to the DO178 standard to meet the needs of the aerospace sector, supporting DO178C up to DAL A. SAFERTOS with the Aerospace DAP supports Zynq-7000 from Xilinx for aerospace applications, a popular, powerful processor which has an MMU and runs off a Cortex-A9 core.

SAFERTOS is a pre-emptive, safety critical RTOS from WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems that delivers unprecedented levels of determinism and robustness to embedded systems, whilst using minimal resources. It is used internationally across a range of safety critical applications and is renowned for its high quality worldwide. SAFERTOS supports DO 178 certification up to Design Assurance Level A, the highest possible level, and is delivered with full source code and Aerospace Design Assurance Pack. SAFERTOS customers also have the added benefit of the upgrade path from FreeRTOS. Developers can prototype designs for free using FreeRTOS and upgrade to SAFERTOS at the start of formal development.

“Aerospace is a key market for SAFERTOS”, said Andrew Longhurst, Managing Director of WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems. “Aerospace customers choose SAFERTOS because of the rigorous testing that it undergoes through every part of its development, coupled with the high quality and easy to follow design and verification evidence supporting the DO 178 DAL A claim.”

Contact details from our directory:
Wittenstein High Integrity Systems (WHIS) CIM Software, Automatic Flight Control Systems
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