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Tecnam P2010 Gran Lusso debuts at Sun 'n Fun
Wednesday, 29 March 2023

The Gran Lusso is a super-luxury version of the four-seat P2010.

It features refined Italian leather upholstery, carbon fiber inserts, an all-new center FADEC power quadrant with standard FMS to accompany the Garmin NXi avionics suite. Powered by Continental’s 170 hp turbocharged CD-170 Jet/A engine, the Gran Lusso features enhanced cabin ergonomics for an unprecedented, ultimate luxury flying experience.

Designed by Tecnam “Centro Stile”, the P2010 Gran Lusso is a concentration of details that offer the highest level of pilot and passenger comfort in its class. The innate Italian characteristics are combined with virtuoso craftsmanship, state-of-the-art technology, unparalleled operational value and sophisticated design. The highly bespoke interior is unrivalled in the aviation industry, with uniquely detailed trim and stylish colour finishes and choices.

The Gran Lusso includes the following list of standard equipment to make the flying experience unlike any other aircraft available today:

-New Smart Design cockpit panel

-AFCS control unit GMC 707 autopilot with ESP

-Flight Management System keyboard and buttons (GCU475)

-Custom trim control wheel in center console

-New center console parking brake access

-Dual mobile device jacks for pilot and passenger

-Enhanced USB ports

-Electric trim for rudder control

-New wingtip design with integrated LED lighting

-Total Metallic paint exclusive to Gran Lusso

-Additional choice of super premium leather interior combinations

Burning just 5.2 US gallons per hour, the Gran Lusso features a spacious Italian-style cabin interior while taking advantage of the high wing configuration with 3 access doors plus a separate door for the baggage compartment. With a full 63 US gallon fuel tank, the Gran Lusso can fly 1,000 nm or more than 12 hours!

The P2010 TDI Gran Lusso is part of the P2010 series. The P2010 platforms offer different engines and three different fuel options; automotive unleaded (approved on the 180hp version), avgas on the 215hp variant and, the TDI is powered by Jet A or diesel.

“Flying is a private experience. With the Gran Lusso, this experience becomes even more intimate, where you can find all the luxury you deserve and express the owner’s personality at its best. No other aircraft manufacturer offers this level of certification, value, performance, comfort and economy. We are honoured to present this model to all discerning US private pilots.” said Walter Da Costa, Tecnam’s Chief Sales Officer .

Contact details from our directory:
Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam S.p.A. Airframer
Continental Aerospace Technologies Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Tecnam P2010