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MTU Aero Engines acquires Starnberg electric motor developer eMoSys GmbH
Thursday, 20 April 2023

MTU Aero Engines is taking over eMoSys GmbH, an electric motor developer and small-volume manufacturer based in Starnberg. That will help Germany's leading engine manufacturer consistently expand its know-how and its activities relating to electrification of the power train. “Our Flying Fuel Cell requires highly efficient, absolutely reliable electric motors, and the eMoSys motors already reach the highest known performance density,” explained Lars Wagner, CEO of MTU Aero Engines. “With eMoSys GmbH, we want to accelerate the use of electric motors in aviation and develop them to market maturity.”

The company's previous shareholder, Stephan Eck, will stay on as Managing Director. He is thrilled about the upcoming collaboration: “eMoSys will be an innovation hub for MTU, and in exchange we will benefit from the know-how of our MTU colleagues and better market access.” The collaboration will further strengthen the enterprising spirit and enormous innovative power of eMoSys, and the company will remain largely independent. Eck noted, “In the course of the takeover, our activities will focus on aviation, but we will also continue to drive innovative developments for customers in the automotive, racing, rail transport and medical sectors.”

The approximately 30-person eMoSys team has been working on electric motors for 35 years, and it is already active in the field of aviation as well as in other sectors. eMoSys GmbH was founded in Starnberg in 2013. The company has successfully been working with MTU for several years on a project basis. The parties agreed not to disclose the purchase price.

Contact details from our directory:
MTU Aero Engines Compressors, Engine Parts, Additive Manufacturing, Final Assembly, Turbine Engine Starters, Combustion Test Services, Turbine Engine Blades, Turbine Engine Vanes, Blisks, Fuel Cells
eMoSys GmbH Electric Motors
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Electrical Power Systems