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KAI selects GE Aerospace for HUMS on Korean Marine Attack Helicopter
Sunday, 18 June 2023

GE Aerospace was selected by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) to supply the Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) for the Korean Marine Attack Helicopter (KMAH).

“This award builds upon and continues a strong business relationship of supplying rotorcraft health monitoring systems to KAI,” said Matt Burns, president & general manager for Avionics with GE Aerospace. “We continue to advance the HUMS technology in support of rotorcraft OEMs as well as civil and military rotorcraft operators.”

HUMS shipset deliveries will commence in 2024 and will include:

Data Acquisition and Processing Unit (DAPU)

Optical Blade Tracker (OBT)

Multi-Platform Ground Station (MPGS)

GE Aerospace sites in Southampton (UK) and Grand Rapids (MI USA) will develop and supply the HUMS to KAI. This follows an award KAI has received from the Korean Government to develop and supply the Korean Marine Attack Helicopter (KMAH).

GE Aerospace has provided more than 250 HUMS to Korea Aerospace Industries for their Korean Utility Helicopter (KUH), also known locally as the Surion helicopter.

GE Aerospace developed and supplied the world's first certified HUMS in 1991. GE Aerospace is a leading developer and supplier of Health and Usage Monitoring Systems to rotorcraft Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) as well as civil and military rotorcraft operators.

The HUMS monitors the health of critical aircraft systems such as engines, transmissions, bearings, and rotors through real time analysis. The results of the analyses are stored in the aircraft in a removable memory cartridge for subsequent transfer to a ground station.

The health data gathered aids maintenance personnel in determining and isolating premature deterioration of these critical components. The system continuously checks the performance of safety-critical components, providing advance warning of potential equipment failures and collecting valuable data for routine maintenance of the helicopters.

Contact details from our directory:
GE Aerospace (was GE Aviation Systems) Multiplexers, Onboard Computers, Stores Management Systems, Flight Recorders, Health & Usage Monitoring, Flight Management Systems, Testing Services
Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. Airframer
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KAI KUH-1 Surion Korean Utility Helicopter
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