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Safran validates Eco Mode helicopter hybrid propulsion concept
Monday, 19 June 2023

Safran Helicopter Engines has validated its Eco Mode hybrid propulsion system during ground tests in Bordes, France, in preparation for upcoming flight tests on the Airbus Racer high-speed helicopter demonstrator. The hybrid electric propulsion mode was tested for the first time in a configuration similar to the one that will be used on the Racer.

Designed for twin-engine helicopters, Eco Mode places one engine on standby during cruise, while the other operates at a more energy-efficient power setting. This mode reduces fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by about 15% and increases the helicopter's range. The engine is automatically restored to full power by an innovative electric fast restart system, within just a few seconds, when needed for landing or during an emergency.

The Racer's Eco Mode uses an Aneto-1A engine and the fast restart electrical system developed jointly with Aquitaine Electronique (AECE Group) and Safran Cabin (Ventilation Systems). This system combines an electronic engine control with a high-power-density electric motor, mechanically connected to the engine's high pressure section.

Eco Mode was developed as part of a research project funded by the French civil aviation authority (DGAC). The twin Aneto-1A engines, each rated at 2,500 shaft horsepower, will play a key role in the Racer's performance, particularly its ability to reach and maintain a long-range cruising speed of up to 400 km/h.

Contact details from our directory:
Safran Helicopter Engines Turboshaft Engines, Auxiliary Power Units, Turbine Engine Blades, Additive Manufacturing, Electric Motors
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Airbus Helicopters Racer
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