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Cooperation on high performance electric drives for aircraft propulsion
Thursday, 22 June 2023

Vaeridion GmbH, a Munich based company that is accelerating the green transformation of aviation with a small battery electric aircraft that will be certified and delivered before 2030, and Saluqi B.V., a company based in Helmond, NL, that develops high performance electric drives for mobility, have started a collaboration on the development of electric drives for an aircraft propulsion system that meets performance requirements for the application in eCTOL aircraft.

“At Saluqi Motors we are thrilled about our collaboration with leading aviation pioneer VÆRIDION on their battery powered Multi-Engine Microliner. We are certain that VÆRIDION's aircraft design and integration technology combined with our high power density and high efficiency electric drive technology creates a breakthrough proposition for the high potential eCTOL market.”

Maarten Klomp – Founder & CEO – Saluqi Motors

“We are excited about collaborating with Saluqi, an excellent partner that shares the pace and agility of VÆRIDION and complements our skillset with high-performance electric motors and power electronics. Highest propulsive efficiency in our energy optimized Multi-Engine Microliner enables regional range air travel. Saluqi's customized solutions and implementation speed go perfectly aligned with our constant focus on early key technology demonstration.”

Dr. Sebastian Seemann – Co-Founder & CTO – VÆRIDION

The foreseeable Market Size for eCTOL aircraft will range from 5.000 to 10.000 aircraft up to 2040 and would require between 20.000 and 40.000 Electric Propulsion Units for series production and in service replacement.

Contact details from our directory:
Vaeridion GmbH Airframer
Saluqi Motors Electric Motors
Related aircraft programs:
Vaeridion Electric Microliner
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Electrical Power Systems