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GE Aerospace's Flight Management software meets FACE® 3.0 technical standard
Wednesday, 8 November 2023

GE Aerospace announced that their Flight Management software is the first in the industry to achieve conformance to the latest FACE Consortium technical standard, enabling faster innovation and integration with GE Aerospace Flight Management Systems (FMS).

“This milestone helps to position operators to be in control for future application growth, accelerating development time resulting in rapid innovation,” said Matt Burns, general manager, Avionics for GE Aerospace. “This increases the return on their investment, while reducing operator implementation costs.”

GE's Flight Management System is a connected hub of data on the aircraft, taking in sensor data throughout the aircraft to formulate aircraft position and optimal flight trajectory used by the pilot and aircraft systems to navigate the airspace.

Burns continued, “FACE conformance enables third parties and operators the ability to quickly develop and integrate solutions with the flight management system, creating a platform for innovation with new opportunities for integrating systems for advanced trajectory management.”

The Future Airborne Capability Environment® Consortium, FACE® Consortium FACE Technical Standard edition 3.0 defines the software computing environment and interfaces designed to support the development of portable components across the general-purpose, safety, and security profiles.

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GE Aerospace (was GE Aviation Systems) Multiplexers, Onboard Computers, Stores Management Systems, Flight Recorders, Health & Usage Monitoring, Flight Management Systems, Testing Services
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