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Daedalean chooses Recogni's Scorpio as main perception processing engine for new flight control unit
Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Recogni Inc. today announced that its inference solution for autonomous mobility, Scorpio, has been chosen by Daedalean, a developer of certifiable AI-enabled avionics systems, as the visual perception processing engine for a new flight control unit. The unit meets the needs of complex visual awareness systems and, more importantly, Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) requirements.

Autonomous aviation is advancing rapidly and requires strict safety and accuracy regulations. But before fully autonomous aircraft are ubiquitous, aerial mobility will advance by assisting, reducing qualification needs, and eliminating workload on piloted and remote-controlled aircraft. To do this, flight control units must be capable of high-resolution detection, identification, and path planning without the need for liquid cooling. In addition, FAA certification requires systems that are quantifiably traceable on every action taken by the control unit. Daedalean's situational awareness suite requires a computing unit that is high-performance but low in weight and size, and therefore cannot be reliant on exhaustive and expensive cooling systems. Recogni's high-performance inference solution, Scorpio, is scalable enough to meet this need while also minimizing power consumption and cost.

"To exceed the performance of the human pilot in perception, decision making, and path planning, tomorrow's autonomous aircraft require cutting-edge, efficient AI perception processing, which is new to aviation," said Luuk van Dijk, CEO of Daedalean. "Scorpio is a solution that addresses the key problems we were looking to solve –- such as eliminating costly and heavy cooling systems, as well as sustaining operation traceability for certification purposes. Scorpio answers to these challenges and has the potential to tackle future issues as well. Working with Recogni will enable us to offer to the industry a product substantially improved by the number of parameters, bringing a safety benefit to the cockpit of General Aviation from day one."

As autonomous mobility becomes more prevalent across multiple industries – automotive, aviation, marine, rail, trucking, and more – the need for fast, accurate visual data perception will continue to increase. Traditionally, this requires greater power consumption of autonomous systems. However, Recogni's ability to process multiple streams of ultra-high resolution and high frame rate cameras with minimal power consumption, in conjunction with its software development kit, allows Scorpio to be easily integrated into any autonomous platform.

"Daedalean choosing Scorpio for their flight control unit validates our technology and the benefit that Recogni brings to the autonomous mobility market as a whole, along with automotive," said Marc Bolitho, CEO of Recogni. "Our technology provides performance, efficiency, and cost benefits for customers. As autonomy continues to advance, more and higher resolution sensors will be needed, necessitating more computation. The market is seeking a solution that can scale with the industry, and our agreement with Daedalean validates our ability to be that solution."

Contact details from our directory:
Recogni Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS)
Daedalean AG Automatic Flight Control Systems, Flight Management Systems, Automatic Direction Finders, Autopilots, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems
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Imaging and Visual Systems
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