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DoD awards $3.7 million to enhance advanced thermoplastics production
Monday, 27 November 2023

The Department of Defense today announced the award of $3.7 million via the Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) program to Qarbon Aerospace to design and manufacture advanced lightweight continuous fiber thermoplastic composite structures for national defense aviation applications.

“The establishment of robust and resilient supply chains is a critical element of DOD’s strategic approach to creating a modernized industrial ecosystem,” said Dr. Laura Taylor-Kale, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy. “This award represents another vital step by the Department to strengthen advanced capabilities by continuing to pursue novel processes that will ensure the U.S. remains a leader in manufacturing technologies.”

This award will help Qarbon Aerospace focus on the design, development, and manufacture of a thermoplastic composite structure for defense aviation components requiring icing protection. The use of composites eliminates the loss of efficiency typically associated with conventional “bleed-air” systems and provides significant flexibility when optimizing the assembly for different components or aircraft, and offers improved manufacturing, durability, reliability, and ease of repair.

To date in calendar year 2023, the Innovation Capability and Modernization (ICAM) office, which manages the IBAS program, has made awards totaling nearly $700 million. ICAM is part of the ASD(IBP)’s Manufacturing Capability Expansion and Investment Prioritization (MCEIP) directorate, in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Resilience.

Contact details from our directory:
Qarbon Aerospace (Foundation) Thrust Reversers, Fuselage Sections, Nacelles, Wings, Empennages, Final Assembly, Supply Chain Management, Ice Protection/Prevention Equipment
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