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RTX signs MOU with Netherlands Aerospace Group to advance research collaboration enabling more sustainable aviation
Thursday, 12 December 2024

RTX has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Netherlands Aerospace Group (NAG) providing a strategic framework for collaboration on technology research and development. Under the MOU, RTX businesses Collins Aerospace and Pratt & Whitney will collaborate with Dutch aerospace companies and research institutions across the Netherlands to develop advanced technologies for sustainable aviation.

The MOU supports collaboration across a wide range of areas including, but not limited to: advanced manufacturing processes and advanced materials, including thermoplastic composite structures; innovative propulsion technologies, including hydrogen and hybrid-electric systems; aircraft electrification and energy management; and environmental studies to assess and validate the impact of more sustainable solutions.

“Reducing the aviation industry’s carbon footprint is an era-defining challenge that requires a strong innovation ecosystem pulling together the world’s best and brightest minds,” said Juan de Bedout, chief technology officer for RTX. “This MOU builds on our long history of driving technology innovation in the Netherlands and enables us to further expand our relationships throughout the wider Dutch and European aerospace ecosystem as we work together to make the future of commercial flight more sustainable.”

“Our strategic MOU with RTX significantly strengthens our ability to develop and valorize new aerospace technologies and boost collaboration between leading organizations across the Netherlands, Europe and North America,” said Frank Jansen, managing director, Netherlands Aerospace Group. “We anticipate significant mutual advantages from opportunities to align our technology roadmaps and participate and benefit from technology development initiatives such as Luchtvaart in Transitie.”

Through its legacy companies, RTX has operated in the Netherlands for more than a century and its Collins Aerospace business currently maintains three sites in Almere, Houten and Maastricht. In September, RTX announced a master research agreement between Collins, Pratt & Whitney and the Netherlands’ Delft University of Technology to enable bilateral collaboration on a range of sustainable aviation-related research opportunities.

RTX plays a vital role in developing, integrating and maintaining industry-advancing aerospace and defense solutions in Europe. With its 60 locations and more than 22,000 employees, including 270 in the Netherlands, RTX contributes to decisive technological breakthroughs for the European forces and industry original equipment manufacturers.

Contact details from our directory:
Raytheon Technologies Corporation (Corporate Headquarters)
Netherlands Aerospace Group Trade Organisations
TU Delft Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Research/Consulting Services, Technical/Eng/Scientific Studies, Airframer
Pratt & Whitney Auxiliary Power Units
Collins Aerospace
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