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GAMA welcomes four new members
Thursday, 19 December 2024

Today, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) announced the additions of Parker Aerospace as a Member and CycloTech, SkyDrive and Vaeridion as Associate Members EPIC.

Parker Aerospace is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio and was founded in 1917. They develop technologies and innovative solutions that enable reliable, efficient and increasingly sustainable flight for the lifecycle of the aircraft, including aftermarket support. Parker stands at the forefront of aviation technology with an expanded range of products and services that sits nose-to-tail across the entire aircraft.

CycloTech is headquartered in Linz, Austria and was founded in 2004. They have developed the unique 360° thrust vectoring CycloRotors – a new, electrically driven, sustainable, and highly maneuverable propulsion system for the new air mobility demands of the 21st century. Their compact design and instantaneous control of magnitude and direction of thrust enable smooth transitions from hover to forward flight, gust control, and precision landings, ideal for safe operation in crowded airspaces, confined areas and adverse weather conditions.

SkyDrive is headquartered in Toyota, Japan and was founded in 2018. They are developing an all-electric, three-seater compact eVTOL aircraft. SkyDrive’s vision is to create a future where everyone has access to eVTOLs as their daily transportation.

Vaeridion is headquartered in Munich, Germany and was founded in 2021. They are developing the Microliner, an electrical conventional take-off and landing (eCTOL) aircraft that is optimized for energy efficient flight with novel technologies such as wing-integrated modular batteries and an electrical multi-engine single propeller powerplant. Vaeridion's mission is to accelerate the green transformation of aviation with its Microliner aircraft that will be certified and delivered before 2030.

Contact details from our directory:
GAMA General Aviation Manufacturers Association Trade Organisations
Parker Aerospace Aircraft Wheel & Brake Aircraft Wheels, Hydraulic Brakes, Anti-Skid Brakes & Systems, Wheel & Brake Services, Brake Linings, Brake System Components, Carbon Brakes, Wheel Hub Assemblies, Helicopter Wheels
CycloTech GmbH Airframer
SkyDrive Inc. Airframer
Vaeridion GmbH Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Vaeridion Electric Microliner
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Trade Organisations