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CFD Research expands R&D capabilities with new 10,000-square-foot facility
Monday, 8 April 2024

CFD Research Corporation is proud to announce the opening of its new Midwest Research & Development and Operations Center. This state-of-the-art, 10,000-square-foot facility includes commercial office space and an Integration and Testing Lab, providing an ideal environment for technological advancements in various fields, such as sensor integration, Synthetic Aperture Radar processing (SAR), modeling and simulation, active and passive sensor capabilities, Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) integration, intelligence exploitation, software engineering, and more. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on April 4th, in Beavercreek, Ohio.

This marks a significant investment in the company’s research and development capabilities, continued growth, and commitment to innovation.

George Dalton, Vice President and General Manager of CFD Research’s Dayton Office expressed optimism about the expansion, stating, “We expect to hire 90 new employees with diverse highly skilled technical talent over the next 5 years with this expansion.”

This investment emphasizes CFD Research’s dedication to driving innovation and fostering growth in the research and development sector. The company looks forward to leveraging its expanded capabilities to address emerging challenges and drive technological advancements in the industry and area.

Mike Turner, Congressman for the 10th District of Ohio, headlined the ceremony. Other speakers included Mr. Kameron Anderson, Regional Representative for U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown, Mr. Randy Chenault, Staff Assistant to U.S. Senator JD Vance’s Office, and Retired Airforce Colonel Joe Zeis, Senior Advisor for Aerospace and Defense for Ohio Governor, Mike Dewine.

Contact details from our directory:
CFD Research, Dayton Operations Center Research/Consulting Services, Computer-aided Simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computer-aided Analysis
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Computer-Aided Testing