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Pyromeral Systems: a leader in high temperature ceramic composites chasing thermal runaway thermal protection applications for eVTOLs
Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Pyromeral Systems currently operates in three key markets: aerospace, defense, and motorsports. These industries are highly promising, especially given the company’s strong positioning in such niche markets. In fact, Pyromeral Systems’ primary competition comes from traditional metals, to bring lightweight on high temperature areas for improving performances of high end vehicles.

The company specializes in producing advanced materials using three types of ceramic composites : PyroXide, PyroSic, and PyroKarb. These composites are four times lighter than steel and twice lighter than Titanium, offering a significant advantage in terms of weight reduction. Each composite is made from a combination of fibers and matrices. The fibers include carbon (C), silicon carbide (SiC) and alumina (Al₂O₃), while the matrices are based on self developed (patented) inorganic materials such as silico-aluminate or alumino-phosphatic.

These materials are specifically designed to withstand extreme heat and flames, making them ideal for applications in Formula One and the Aerospace industry. Pyromeral Systems continuously pushes the boundaries of innovation by testing new processes and technologies, particularly in the areas of safety and performance enhancement.

Since 2020, Pyromeral Systems has set itself apart with cutting-edge protective solutions for e-VTOL (Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing) aircraft, aimed at preventing thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries. Recent tests demonstrate that Pyromeral materials are highly suited for electric systems, as they maintain their integrity when exposed to flames and high temperatures during thermal runaway incidents. Thus, it has been demonstrated that Pyromeral materials passes various fire test such as 1100°C FAA AC 20-135 flame test with components thickness as low as 0.6 mm. They passes also more than 6 cycles (up to the maximum 10 cycles) of the UL2596 Torch & Grid Test, making then remarkable survivance to thermal runaway environment.

In 2024, the company achieved a world-first by successfully inducing in flight thermal runaway in drone batteries. The results showcased the resilience of Pyromeral’s materials in real-world conditions. Upcoming tests on e-VTOL batteries are highly anticipated and look promising.

This year, Pyromeral Systems projects significant increase of its revenue coming from its e-VTOL battery solutions, marking a major milestone in its continued growth and innovation.

Contact details from our directory:
Pyromeral Systems Composite Manufacturing Supplies, Ceramic-reinforced Composites
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