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Airbus selects SAMTECH as Referenced Supplier of CAE & development services
Wednesday, 12 September 2007

SAMTECH, the European specialist in Computer Aided Engineering software and modeling technology, announces being appointed by AIRBUS as "Referenced Supplier" for Computer Aided Engineering and development services in Structural Analysis.

Under this agreement, the Master Agreement Contract (MAC), signed between Airbus and Samtech, SAMTECH will provide CAE software and services to AIRBUS sites located in Toulouse (France), Filton (U.K.), Hamburg/Bremen (Germany), Getafe (Spain), Beijing (China) and to all the AIRBUS partners worldwide registered under the "AIRBUS Extended Enterprise".

This decision of AIRBUS arises as a result of the reliability of SAMTECH during a partnership between the two companies that started twenty years ago Besides globalisation, AIRBUS needs to constantly innovate and keep the technological edge, drives the aircraft manufacturer to working with capable long term suppliers and partners.

By appointing SAMTECH as AIRBUS Referenced Supplier, AIRBUS recognizes the quality and the efficiency of the long-term strategic partnership linking SAMTECH and AIRBUS and the very successful collaboration with the CAE consulting and software company during various ambitious programs like A380 for example.

The services that SAMTECH provides to AIRBUS include the development of Professional software tools dedicated to the analysis of metallic and composite structures in fatigue and damage tolerance. These tools encapsulate best-in-class Finite Element parametric solutions including SAMCEF and AIRBUS proprietary methods. In addition, SAMTECH is also mandated by AIRBUS for the diffusion, the distribution, the training and the support of those AIRBUS Professional Software Products within AIRBUS Extended Enterprise.

SAMTECH also provides development and support services for Airbus parametric structure optimisation applications based on SAMTECH BOSS Quattro platform and embedding Airbus proprietary knowledge and processes. In this context SAMTECH has recently developed a composite box optimisation capability that is intensively used on A350XWB.

"We are very proud of the decision taken by AIRBUS. We have worked hard for it and it is a reward, indeed. Now, with success and rewards, comes even greater responsibility, too. We will continue working hard to keep on serving AIRBUS better and better. Our offices in France, Germany, Spain and in the United Kingdom and most recently in China will all share that goal", explained Eric Carnoy, SAMTECH Chief Executive Officer. "We are confident also, that this will bring new business opportunities to SAMTECH with AIRBUS worldwide, and also with the partners network whether tier 1, 2 or 3."

Contact details from our directory:
Siemens PLM Software, LMS Samtech Computer-aided Engineering, Computer-aided Simulation, Computer-aided Design
Airbus S.A.S. Airframer
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