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Triumph divests G650 works package back to Gulfstream
Friday, 7 August 2020
The production line for the wings of the G650 was moved to Gulfstream's home in Savannah last year, and now Triumph has agreed to sell the related supply chain activities to the airframer.

Triumph Group is to sell its Gulfstream G650 program scope of work including supply chain management, engineering services, and related tooling, inventory, facilities, personnel, and warranty obligations to Gulfstream Aerospace.

This agreement follows the company's transfer of the G650 wing assembly line in Tulsa, Oklahoma to Gulfstream's Savannah, Georgia facility in 2019. The G650 wing program had been transferred from Spirit Aerosystems to Triumph Group in 2015. Following Triumph's strategic decision to exit non-core structures manufacturing, the G650 wing production lines in Nashville, Tennessee and Tulsa, Oklahoma were transferred to Gulfstream in sequence without interruption to Gulfstream's internal G650 production line. This agreement also provides price adjustments for critical G600 composite parts retained by Triumph Aerospace Structures Red Oak Texas plant.

"Triumph continues to optimise its program and operating company portfolio in partnership with our OEM customers and strategic partners to reach our future state focused on defense programs, critical systems components and aftermarket services," says Daniel Crowley, Triumph Group President and Chief Executive Officer. "We are proud to have supported Gulfstream on the G650 since 2015 and look forward to supplying critical composite parts more suited to our long-term strategy."

Contact details from our directory:
Triumph Group, Inc.
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Airframer
Qarbon Aerospace (Foundation) Empennages, Final Assembly, Fuselage Sections, Ice Protection/Prevention Equipment, Nacelles, Supply Chain Management, Thrust Reversers, Wings
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Gulfstream G700/G800
Gulfstream G650
Gulfstream G500/G600
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