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uAvionix claims world first with certified drone transponder
Thursday, 6 May 2021
Airbus SE's High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) flight testing article, Zephyr, is first to use a ground-breaking transponder produced by uAvionix. The device is expected to find applications in drones and general aviation.

uAvionix has been granted FAA validation for its transponder, ping200X, which has become the world's first FAA TSO certified drone transponder.

"ping200X is the pinnacle of years of development, as we built a product series for use aboard unmanned aircraft and across the spectrum of general aviation," says Christian Ramsey, President of uAvionix. "With the invaluable support from Airbus Ventures and all our partners, we're proud to be developing a line of certified products that ensure the safety of transportation now and in the decades to come."

uAvionix has gathered a cross-disciplinary team of experts in embedded radio-frequency engineering, hardware, software, and cloud services to deliver the lowest SWaP and most affordable transceivers, transponders, remote identification transmitters, and receivers designed to serve an array of civil and other critical applications.

"Since our initial investment in 2017, uAvionix has become an important industry force, materialising their commitment to innovative and operational excellence," explains Airbus Ventures Managing Partner Thomas d'Halluin. "Their latest wave of certifications validates the company's critical work and reinforces Airbus Ventures' commitment to further propelling uAvionix success."

As an autonomous Venture Capital firm sponsored by Airbus SE, Airbus Ventures always welcomes opportunities to promote its portfolio companies to its mothership. ping200X was recently incorporated into Airbus SE's High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) flight testing campaign, Zephyr, designed to give access to sustainable solar-powered stratospheric satellites and equipped with a suite of sensors to support future systems and solutions.

Contact details from our directory:
Airbus Ventures Financial Consultants
uAvionix Corporation ADS-B systems, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems, Attitude Indicators, Clocks, Elapsed Time Indicators, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, GPS, Heading Indicators, Horizontal Situation Indicator, Radar Transponders, Tracking Equipment, Transceivers
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