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Regent appoints builder for seaglider demonstrator
Wednesday, 19 January 2022
Leveraging existing dock infrastructure, Regent's commercial seaglider will float, foil, and fly. Not strictly speaking an aircraft, it will be regulated and certified by maritime authorities.

Regent is to build its seaglider technology demonstrator vehicle in collaboration with the Moore Brothers Company, a Rhode Island-based composite manufacturing, research, and development firm.

Regent is a venture-backed aerospace company behind the revolutionary all-electric seagliders which provide harbour-to-harbour, overwater transportation at a fraction of the cost, noise, and emissions of existing regional transportation modes like aircraft and ferries. Regent plans to test this technology demonstrator in the coming months ahead of the vehicle entering commercial service by 2025.

"Regent's seaglider technology demonstrator could not come together without the expertise of Moore Brothers. Regent seagliders are not built in isolation: they are built on the backs of strong partnerships. As we continue to grow and move towards our 2025 commercial service goal, we look forward to partnering with even more incredible firms. We couldn't image a better partner to kick off our technology demonstrator composite work than Moore Brothers," says Billy Thalheimer, ceo of Regent. "Our technology demonstrator is built to fully perform end to end capabilities of float, foil, and fly. We are excited to announce more details of the technology demonstrator vehicle in the coming months."

Moore Brothers focuses on composite manufacturing for the Regent technology demonstrator seaglider. The Moore Brothers team brings extensive composite structure manufacturing experience in both the marine and aerospace industries. They specialise in utilising cutting edge materials and innovative construction techniques to create strong, lightweight, and high-performance components.

"Moore Brothers has thoroughly enjoyed working with Regent in the development of their technology demonstrator seaglider. Our engineering and production processes pair seamlessly with the Regent approach, as we both believe quality, safety, and on time delivery are key to success. We look forward to continuing to collaborate to bring more seagliders to market in the coming years," says Oliver Moore, Director at Moore Brothers.

The Regent seaglider is an all-electric flying vessel that combines the speed, comfort, and navigation systems of an aircraft with the convenience, manoeuvrability, and affordability of a boat. Regulated and certified by maritime authorities, the seaglider will transport commercial passengers and critical cargo up to 180 miles at nearly 180mph with existing battery technology.

Leveraging existing dock infrastructure, Regent's commercial seaglider will float, foil, and fly. From the dock and while in the no wake zone, the vehicle will float on its hull. Upon reaching 20mph, it will rise up on its retractable hydrofoil. Hydrofoils offer significant wave tolerance and enhanced passenger comfort as the vehicle leaves the crowded city harbour at speeds between 20-40mph. Upon reaching open water, the vehicle smoothly transitions onto its wing, retracts the foil, and accelerates to a comfortable 180mph cruise speed - all while staying within a wingspan of the water's surface. Flight safety at these altitudes is achieved utilising a multiple-redundant, state-of-the-art navigation and control system. Similar to a hovercraft, seagliders fly on a dynamic air cushion created by the pressurised air between the wings and the water. The aerodynamic advantage of this so-called "ground effect," includes significant operational efficiencies, increased payload capability, and greater range.

Contact details from our directory:
Regent Airframer
Moore Brothers Company Aircraft Structural Components, Composite Design Consultants, Composite Manufacturing Services, Composite Structures, Research/Consulting Services
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